Can You Tell The Difference Between Dispensary Cannabis And Your Own?

Charles U Farley

Well-Known Member
I've only bought commercial cannabis once, ever. Took a trip to Denver after it became legal and got some Green Crack, GSC, something called Golden Goat, and some DP. I was still vaping BHO at that time, so my tolerance was very high, so to speak. After hearing all the hype about GSC and GC, I was quite disappointed. It wasn't any better than SouthEast Lights. I'm writing a journal article about how you treat cannabis plants having a direct effect on the type of high you get from it and it got me wondering:

Has anyone ever done a _blind_ taste/smoke/vape test comparing your own home grown cannabis with what you get at a dispensary?

My wife an I do blind taste tests all the time... wine, bourbon, vodka, etc. That's why I drink cheap ass Smirnoff 100 proof vodka, that's the one I liked best, even over Tito's and Grey Goose. Just didn't think to do it with cannabis when I came back from Denver.
Not a blind test, but I've had varying results with dispensary weed. Mostly it's decent, but not anything special but every once in a while it' outstanding. Case in point, I was in Alaska on a fishing trip acouple months ago, and didn't bring anything, so I went to a dispensary, the weed I got was outstanding, truly hadn't been that blasted in a while, so, in my experience, there's really no telling.
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I grow weed so I don’t need to buy weed from dispensaries, and worked at one for almost a year. I bought a couple joints, vapes, and 2 things of flower while there. (frosted cherries and Slurricane) Now I just literally grew Slurricane, harvested/freeze dried 5 days ago and can easily say that my stuff kicked the stores sorry ass. The stuff I got at the store was tested at 28.6% THC, but were dried little popcorn buds. I have no idea what mine would test at but my terps and buds are so much better. The other strain Frosted Cherries were plump and sticky, and would say it would of been closest to what my freeze dried buds are like (except mine are more dry to the touch)
I have definitely gotten excellent bud at the dispensary- bit it is a crap shoot. In CT we could not see smell or touch anything before purchasing. My best buds are definitely as good and even better- I haven’t been to the dispensary in a couple years now. I was only keeping the medical card so I could grow legally- now anyone can grow at home inside.
I've only bought commercial cannabis once, ever. Took a trip to Denver after it became legal and got some Green Crack, GSC, something called Golden Goat, and some DP. I was still vaping BHO at that time, so my tolerance was very high, so to speak. After hearing all the hype about GSC and GC, I was quite disappointed. It wasn't any better than SouthEast Lights. I'm writing a journal article about how you treat cannabis plants having a direct effect on the type of high you get from it and it got me wondering:

Has anyone ever done a _blind_ taste/smoke/vape test comparing your own home grown cannabis with what you get at a dispensary?

My wife an I do blind taste tests all the time... wine, bourbon, vodka, etc. That's why I drink cheap ass Smirnoff 100 proof vodka, that's the one I liked best, even over Tito's and Grey Goose. Just didn't think to do it with cannabis when I came back from Denver.
I live in colorado and almost everything is just some set it and forget it grown with no love and not cured, in a lot of cases not even flushed. My own is always just way more aromatic, smooth, etc
I live in colorado and almost everything is just some set it and forget it grown with no love and not cured, in a lot of cases not even flushed. My own is always just way more aromatic, smooth, etc
Oh and i havent done a blind taste test but i bet i could tell the diff between this and disp weed.


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Never have I ever been to a dispensary. So I can't honestly say. However, I wanna think I'm close enough for my needs. I look at it as if my hobby is also a therapy for me. Win win situation.


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The stuff I got at the store was tested at 28.6% THC, but were dried little popcorn buds. I have no idea what mine would test at but my terps and buds are so much better.
I can't remember what the exact numbers were for the bud I got in Denver but I know it was in the 20s, looked "frostier" than what I grow, but really just didn't do that much for me. It could have been my high expectations, along with my tolerance, but it made me realize I wasn't missing anything being able to purchase at a dispensary.

I learned a long time ago... names, numbers and percentages don't mean shit, it's how it makes you _feel_.
I've absolutely done this, both my wife and I. She can't tell the difference, to her "weed is weed", but I can tell. Rarely, the dispo weed was better if I paid over $70/eighth for the top shelf. My own homegrown is, IMO, just below that top tier quality-wise, but I get better with each run.
My homegrown 1000% stands out better then 99% of the dispo weed.

There is a couple local companies were I live that produce some decent buds for retail. I actually recently started working for one of them doing no-till organic grows. Not even all of that weed is great, but lots of it is pretty damn good! Other then them and one other company I can think of the rest of the dispo weed is pretty trash.
My homegrown 1000% stands out better then 99% of the dispo weed.

There is a couple local companies were I live that produce some decent buds for retail. I actually recently started working for one of them doing no-till organic grows. Not even all of that weed is great, but lots of it is pretty damn good! Other then them and one other company I can think of the rest of the dispo weed is pretty trash.
My “homegrown” used to be the topshelf at dispos. When we could still vend to clubs here in Ca.
Harborside oakland, for example, my dude would get pulled from the back of the line. I supplied them with a few flavors.
When people say dispensary weed sucks, it might suck where you live but not always the case. Now with it being legal here and from “legal” sources? I dunno.
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I wana blind test some o yall's weed against TOP SHELF dispo ;) :lol:

I'm sure most if not all of us grow better, more satisfying weed than the mid-affordable stuff. . .but are you really beating the "Kings Cut" type stuff?

I kid, i kid. Matter o fact I know some of you are just by pics n info posted here
I wana blind test some o yall's weed against TOP SHELF dispo ;) :lol:

I'm sure most if not all of us grow better, more satisfying weed than the mid-affordable stuff. . .but are you really beating the "Kings Cut" type stuff?

I kid, i kid. Matter o fact I know some of you are just by pics n info posted here

But it’s a fair question too. I’m one who stated my stuff was better, but I have had some stuff outside of the price range I’m willing to pay that was pretty special. Of course, I grow to not spend!
I can’t speak for all dispensaries because I’ve only been to a few, but after a while I realized all of the products they have are disgusting trash. None of it smelled, tasted, or felt like good weed. It’s all very noticeable in the vape. It all felt very chemical and disgusting to me. I feel like it’s not even real weed what they sell. So yes homegrown is the way to go. I only buy from real growers and am in the process of growing my own.
I’ve seen some killer medical dispensary weed but that was back when shit like cookies n cream and monster cookies were big. Legal here now and the few I’ve been to aren’t anything special even the cookies packs my buddy gets from a actual cookies dispensary are meh most of the time
I've absolutely done this, both my wife and I. She can't tell the difference, to her "weed is weed", but I can tell. Rarely, the dispo weed was better if I paid over $70/eighth for the top shelf. My own homegrown is, IMO, just below that top tier quality-wise, but I get better with each run.
My wife is the same way... "as long as it gets me high without more than 4-5 hits, it's gooooood. ;)

Unfortunately, she's the exact opposite with wine. Put down a glass of $100 wine vs. $50 vs. $20 and she'll pick out the most expensive one, _every_ single time. :o
I can’t speak for all dispensaries because I’ve only been to a few, but after a while I realized all of the products they have are disgusting trash. None of it smelled, tasted, or felt like good weed. It’s all very noticeable in the vape. It all felt very chemical and disgusting to me. I feel like it’s not even real weed what they sell. So yes homegrown is the way to go. I only buy from real growers and am in the process of growing my own.
I get hammered every time I say shit like this, 'cause people think it's nostalgic, hippie/boomer bullshit. But I strongly believe, nah make that _know_ that cannabis that has been cared for and taken care of, will give you a "better" high than industrialized/commercialized large scale grown cannabis that's been topped, pinched, forced into early flowering, or otherwise abused in a desperate attempt to create more buds.

Just like Chateau Latour wine tastes better than Boone's Farm (do they still make that nasty shit?), I'm sure Boone's Farm produces more grapes than Latour but if the wine tastes like shit and gives you a hangover, which is the "better" wine?

The best taste/quality evaluation, imnsho, is to take a total tolerance break for a month, or as long as you can hold out, and take 3 hits of each sample a couple of hours apart. Last time I was able to do that was in 99 and is the reason I became infatuated with Northern Lights. It was better than the skunk even though the Skunk smelled _so_ much better. A cut 'n paste from the site:

"...In 1999, my wife (met the love of my life after the divorce) and I decide to take a cruise to Alaska. I had heard about a place called the Blunt Brothers from the BCGA forum, so I made plans to visit. I walked into the store, lurked around for a while then went up to the counter and asked if he'd seen Vic High around. He gave me a wft look but someone else asked how I knew Vic. I told them via the BCGA site and I was hoping he could hook me up with some BC bud I'd heard so much about. The guy gave me a skeptical look, so I said, "Look, I didn't want to be the first dumbass American to get caught smuggling buds _into_ BC, so I didn't bring any of my own." He started laughing and told me where to go.

A couple of streets down, I go into a basement area of a store, ask "What do you have for sale?" and the guy uncovers a display area with different kinds of buds and hash. Holy fucking moly! I'll take some Skunk, a couple of grams of hash and what was my second choice from Jock, Northern Lights. After we get onboard, my wife and I completely agree, the Skunk smells better but the Northern Lights _is_ better. Both of them are better than the hash, what a supreme disappointment. Tasted like it did in high school but didn't have the same effect. Buds better than hash, imagine that."...
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My “homegrown” used to be the topshelf at dispos. When we could still vend to clubs here in Ca.
Harborside oakland, for example, my dude would get pulled from the back of the line. I supplied them with a few flavors.
When people say dispensary weed sucks, it might suck where you live but not always the case. Now with it being legal here and from “legal” sources? I dunno.

I totally get that its different in different places. I live in Eugene OR, theres supposed to be bad ass weed here, and there is, just not in most dispos. I'm sure things were much different 10 years ago when home growers could sell overages to the dispos. Now its all commercial grow and mostly done poorly aside from a couple companies like I said.

Really I need to get a home grow set up again, its been a few years of living out here without any space to do it. Now in my current spot we have a little space but I havn't had any extra money to build it out yet.