Can you top at the second set of leaves?


Well-Known Member
So I am growing outdoors and some type of insect or animal decided to munch on the stem a bit above the second pair of leaves. The plant is only about 3 weeks old and im afraid the top part will not survive so can I just pinch off the above part and will the plant start growing 2 main branches after that?
Yes you can top the plant above the second node. It will take a week or so to recover and start growing again
Ya, it works. Wait until you have some branching coming out of those lower two nodes first. If you don't, the plant will be stunted ever more or may die :(
Thanks for the help :bigjoint:!Ill do what njhate said and wait for some branching to come out first then I will top it, its my only white widow out there and I don't want to fuck it up.
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