Can you use 190 Proof Alc. to make Hash like QWISO?

I've done this before in limited amounts. A fan blowing will help evaporate the alcohol and scraping what's left can be a bit of a pain.....but it does work.
190 proof Everclear is WAAAAAAAAAAY healthier than Isopropyl.
Iso is manufactured through chemical bonding while the Everclear is made from distillation of consumable grain alcohol.
So this does work? That's awesome, I'm really not a fan of BHO and the ISO still doesn't sit right with me.
My first QWISO run I got one gram out of a half ounce.
Could I expect about the same results for grain alcohol?
And it's pretty much the same process just with Everclear instead of ISO right?
i use it all the time, i ingest quite a bit of it. theres a good thread on here somewhere, i'm not computer savvy, maybe someone could post a link. you need to freeze the bud and everclear n do quick wash for best results. good luck
If you have a distiller and know how to use it and are also using a DYI Sugar and yeast CO2 injector for your plants, you can distill the alcohol out of your yeast/sugar wash to get your alcohol. Usually takes two goes in a reflux still to get 95% or 190 proof.
It's like a cycle.

But distilling ethanol at home is illegal without the proper expensive permit. Plus it's a whole other ball game. Don't do it right and you can blow yourself up or go blind drinking badly made drink. (Certain sections must be removed before it is consumable alcohol. This is done with taste testing, smell, temp, alcohol volume readings, and experience)
But moonshine sure is yummy :P
i use it all the time, i ingest quite a bit of it. theres a good thread on here somewhere, i'm not computer savvy, maybe someone could post a link. you need to freeze the bud and everclear n do quick wash for best results. good luck

If someone has the link that would be great I tried looking for it but I keep getting ISO.

I imagine it's the same method though.. Cover the frozen herb with the Everclear until it's a little past the herb. Shake it for a few minutes, filter it through strainer then coffee filter a couple of times. Place on doulbe boiler, allow Alcohol to evaporate for a few hours on Low.

Im going to give this a try either way even if I can't find a nice recipe. I'll post a journal with pictures once it's done so we have more information out there on Everclear Hash.