Can you use T-4s and CFLs during the flowering cycle?


I have a limited space. I ran out of height during my last grow, and I had to move my lights to the sides of my plants. I had t-4s on one side and CFLs on the other side. The side exposed to the CFL lights was much more bountiful.

Due to my last issues with height restrictions, this time, I will be doing a SCroG grow. I start my "girls" in vegetative phase with the t-4s, and they do really well. I hear that the more light, the better during the flowering phase. My question is, is it okay to use both T-4s and CFLs together during the flowering phase? If so, do you mix veg and bloom bulbs during flowering, or all bloom bulbs?


Active Member
Hey ye generally the more light u can get on them the better and i dont think u will get a exact answer bro some people thibk both specs is better during flower (dualspec) others jus red 2700k personally i would put every flouresent bulb u can run on them


Active Member
yes you can use cfls and floros but your buds wont be as big and dense as a hid light.and yes use all bloom lights during the flower period because red spectrum is what they need for better bud production.