Canadian Government Rips off medical marijuana patients


Well-Known Member
Canada - The federal government charges patients 15 times more for certified medical marijuana than it pays to buy the weed in bulk from its official supplier, newly released documents show. Critics say it's unconscionable to charge that high a markup to some of the country's sickest citizens, who have little income and are
often cut off from their medical marijuana supply when they can't pay their government dope bills. Records obtained under the Access to Information Act show that Health Canada pays $328.75 for each kilogram of bulk medical marijuana
produced by Prairie Plant Systems Inc. The company currently has a $10.3-million contract with Health Canada, which expires at the end of September, to grow standardized medical marijuana in an abandoned mine shaft in Flin Flon, Man. Health Canada, in turn, sells the marijuana to a small group of authorized users for
$150 - plus GST - for each 30-gram bag of ground-up flowering tops, with a strength of up to 14 per cent THC, the main active ingredient. That works out to $5,000 for each kilogram, or a markup of more than 1,500 per cent. "It's impossible for a person on disability," said Ron Lawrence, 38, a burn victim in Windsor, Ont., who needs medical marijuana to control severe pain. "The sickest people are the ones that need it the most, and they're the ones who don't work." Adds Scott McCluskey, 48, in Westbank, B.C., who suffers spinal-cord pain that is eased by marijuana: "They're selling it for criminal street prices… I don't think anybody, especially seriously ill people should have to pay this type of money for medicine." Health Canada has become a reluctant marijuana supplier, forced into the role by a series of court decisions that have accepted scientific research indicating cannabis can relieve pain when other medications fail. The courts have also said patients should not be forced into the black market to purchase their medicine.


The Canadian government charges patients 15 times more for certified medical marijuana than it pays to buy the weed in bulk.

UK: A decade of Labour's war on drugs has done nothing to curb the misery and crime caused by abuse, a research group has declared. Propaganda campaigns, law enforcement and imprisonment for drug dealers have had no effect on levels of drug use, it said. Police activity against drug markets and seizures of smuggled drugs
have resulted only in lower street prices. The scathing criticism came in a report by the UK Drug Policy Commission, an independently funded group which intends to press the Government to try harder to tackle huge levels of damage caused by
drug users. It said that one in four people in their late 20s have tried a hard drug such as heroin or cocaine at least once; that nearly half of all young people have used cannabis; and that the drug addiction rate in Britain is more than twice the levels of France, Germany, Sweden or Holland. The report added that there is a drugs market worth an estimated UKP 5 billion a year, that the cost of drug-related crime is thought to be UKP 13 billion, and that one in five of all people arrested for crime are
dependent on heroin. The verdict comes at a time of growing pressure on the Government for change in the drugs laws that were last radically overhauled more than 35 years ago. Ministers are due to consider the effects of Labour's ten-year drugs programme - which began bullishly-with the 'war on drugs' in 1998 - next year.

The Netherlands: Registration of Alcohol and Drug Use for Violent Offences Cases. The Dutch police forces of Schouwen-Duiveland, Renkum-Wageningen and the Ijsselland region will register alcohol and drug use in violent offences cases. The three pilot projects will be introduced to reveal whether and how the use of alcohol and drugs influences the offender's conduct and what measures will prove appropriate. The registration comprises all forms of violence used in the public, semi-public and private domain against persons as well as property, e.g. vandalism. Given that the pilots are in anticipation of any legal requirement, the suspects will be asked to cooperate in both the alcohol and drug test on a voluntary basis. The registration of alcohol and drug use in violent offences cases is especially important for determining the proper preventive measures and imposing judicial interventions. For cases involving minors these will be criminal interventions to counteract the use of substances and for cases involving adults these will also include court-ordered special conditions in the context of a suspended sentence or a suspension of the pre-trial custody. The Ministry of Justice wants to use the findings of the pilots that will be available at the end of 2007 to improve judicial interventions aimed at substance misuse. The drug test detects the five most frequently used types of drugs: opiates, cocaine, cannabis, amphetamines and XTC. The police officers involved have been trained to carry out the drug tests and police in Schouwen-Duiveland and Renkum/Wageningen have already undertaken a trial run in this respect. Special software has been developed for the registration, which will be implemented in the business processes' system of the relevant police regions.
I never had the privilege of ordering any of that trash... How did it work? Did you contact PPS or HC to order?

A friends dad used to get his from the gov.. Grinded up pulpy powdery trash. He would order two bags and give one to my buddy and they thought it was the best pot ever simply because it was legal
Thanks for posting this...I always wondered what HC paid PPS. Shocking.
So, now that you know what HIGH priced LP weed costs.
That's right., HIGH PRICED even at $350 a kilo!!!

Now MAYBE some of you will start to comprehend what it actually costs to grow SHIT!
Which is exactly what our Government run LP's grow.
LP's poorly Grow shit shwag weed. Not Medication! and they grow it for pennies on the dollar/kilo.
Maybe this shit will start to have an effect on people once they realize just how badly fucked over they are getting.
Maybe not.

Meh, nothing surprises me with the conservatives drug stances.

They are running 1930's reefer madness THINK OF THE CHILDREN adds with our money on TV right now. Meanwhile more and more people keep coming out and saying that the illegality of cannabis is what is putting it in kids hands in the first fucking place, but they are still running the adds.

I could NEVER buy alcohol at school, it just wasn't there. If I wanted booze I had to go stand outside a LCBO/Beer Store for 4 hours until I found a soccer mom with no morals. If I wanted weed/coke/meth/etc.etc. I went to school.
So, now that you know what HIGH priced LP weed costs.
That's right., HIGH PRICED even at $350 a kilo!!!

Now MAYBE some of you will start to comprehend what it actually costs to grow SHIT!
Which is exactly what our Government run LP's grow.
LP's poorly Grow shit shwag weed. Not Medication! and they grow it for pennies on the dollar/kilo.
Maybe this shit will start to have an effect on people once they realize just how badly fucked over they are getting.
Maybe not.


The buy price of $350/k is no indicator of cost to produce.
Look at all the money that has passed hands between HC and PPS, not just the agreed ( arbitrary ) sell price on a kg.
Look at the contract, what was paid, and what was shipped....dig deeper and you will see a different picture.
I never had the privilege of ordering any of that trash... How did it work? Did you contact PPS or HC to order?

A friends dad used to get his from the gov.. Grinded up pulpy powdery trash. He would order two bags and give one to my buddy and they thought it was the best pot ever simply because it was legal
I bought 30 grams from PPS when I first got my ATP. Lime green ground up bunk! Cost me $5/g + tax for shit that any self-respecting cannabis consumer wouldn't use.
Why wouldn't that surprise me? 11 more months of hell. At least I hope it's only 11 more!
As of yesterday the libs were 10% ahead on the polls with 36% to 26%. The rest of Canada isn't going to let Alberta and the oil tycoons claim this election. that last one was a disaster and has eroded what this country stood for. There's no way the Cons will win again. Too much corruption and two major criminal cases will be going on during election time.

The televoting thing and Duffy, Cons are done. Now it's wait and see what crazy shit they do before they leave office. The more Mulcair talks the more votes he loses, so should be good for the libs.
wow i'm most amazed that flin flon flop is still going.
thought they would've gone under years ago..
how did they survive growing shitty pot nobody wanted while the MMAR was in effect?
i just can't fathom anyone buying off them. and why aren't they listed as a LP? ..they only sell to government?

man that situation is sure fishy
wow i'm most amazed that flin flon flop is still going.
thought they would've gone under years ago..
how did they survive growing shitty pot nobody wanted while the MMAR was in effect?
i just can't fathom anyone buying off them. and why aren't they listed as a LP? ..they only sell to government?

man that situation is sure fishy
Did you know they used to grow roses underground? At least that was how the whole underground garden got started. They realized how temperate it was down there...91/92 somewhere in there...
So, now that you know what HIGH priced LP weed costs.
That's right., HIGH PRICED even at $350 a kilo!!!

Now MAYBE some of you will start to comprehend what it actually costs to grow SHIT!
Which is exactly what our Government run LP's grow.
LP's poorly Grow shit shwag weed. Not Medication! and they grow it for pennies on the dollar/kilo.
Maybe this shit will start to have an effect on people once they realize just how badly fucked over they are getting.
Maybe not.


Here is an interesting breakdown, albeit a little dated...
wow i'm most amazed that flin flon flop is still going.
thought they would've gone under years ago..
how did they survive growing shitty pot nobody wanted while the MMAR was in effect?
i just can't fathom anyone buying off them. and why aren't they listed as a LP? ..they only sell to government?

man that situation is sure fishy

over 10 million....hmmm...
The buy price of $350/k is no indicator of cost to produce.
Look at all the money that has passed hands between HC and PPS, not just the agreed ( arbitrary ) sell price on a kg.
Look at the contract, what was paid, and what was shipped....dig deeper and you will see a different picture.

for example...

Cost of Reports
Health Canada appears to be paying Prairie Plant Systems a considerable sum for their
reports. It is questionable as to the extent these reports change from month to month to
warrant these costs.
• For the contract ending December 31, 2005, Health Canada paid PPS $63,120
each for 54 monthly reports and $78,000 each for 4 yearly reports totaling
$3,802,980.13 This represents 62% of the cost of the 5-year contract.
• In the January to June 2006 contract, reports cost $64,067/month and $39,000 for
a final report for a total of $423,402. 14 This represents 51% of the cost of this 6-
month contract extension.
• For the July to September 2006 contract, reports cost $64,067/month and the final
3-month report was valued at $19,500 for a total of $211,701.15 This represents
32% of the cost of this three-month contract extension.
• In the current contract, October 2006 to September 2007, reports are costing
$86,740/month and the final report $78,000 for a total of $1,118,880.16 This
represents 41% of the cost of this one-year contract extension.
Reports to date have cost taxpayers $5,556,963 representing 54% of the entire
contract cost to date.

So the price set per kg is irrelevant....
Cost of Cannabis
There has been a fair amount of negotiating around options for additional production, in
terms of both quantity and dollars/kg. Additional cannabis production is valued at
extremely elevated prices.
• The contract stipulates the cost of cannabis at $328.75/kg for 420 kg each year
starting in January 2003.
• There are options for production above 420 kg: Option 3 paid $452/kg for
amounts above the 420 kg in the initial 5-year contract.17
• In the negotiations prior to the final contract there is mention of an option for
$3000/kg for additional qualified bulk flowering head.

12 Amendments 19 and 20
13 ATI request pg. 000112. Accessed on June 15, 2007 from 14 ATI request pg. 000112-000113
15 ATI request pg. 000139-000140
16 ATI request pg. 000152
17 ATI request pg. 000018
18 ATI request pg. 000052 5
• In the last contract extension, Option 9 was added to allow for the production of
an additional 240-358 kg at $1144/kg.19
• As such, the first 420 kg will cost $138,075, and the next 358 would cost
$409,552, for a total of $547,627.
This represents 20% of the contract cost for the one-year period ending September
30, 2007.
• It is noteworthy that Health Canada pays PPS the same amount for all cannabis
plant components, both usable and unusable. By PPS estimates, only 63%20 of the
bulk product are flowering heads, of which only some portion is actually usable
for distribution to patients. 21
If you read it you will notice the price was set for bulk product not finished product...does this help to shed some light on things gb?
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