Canadian Patients Last Hope


Well-Known Member
This thread is towards people who refuse to be pushed around by the harper government, for the people who cant afford the mmpr medication, for the people who are going to continue to grow.

My question;

What are the criminal consequences for continueing growing our medication?

I understand there are mandatory minimums for 6 plants. If you own your own home its 6month sentance and a renter is 9 month sentance.

Has anything been documented or has a lawyer touched base with this?

Been gone for awhile, miss you all


Well-Known Member
Hi Bigmanc welcome back
I pretty sure they have to prove trafficking to apply the mandatory min....
anything else a decent lawyer could get you off.....


Well-Known Member
keep your HC lic. do not turn it in to a LP this might help in a big way to beet it in court John Conroy also says this as well. but I am sure the courts will grandfather us all in that were in before this crap all started.
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