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The EU, Japan and other democratic countries might want to unite their clout with us and perhaps even the Americans, depending on the results tonight. Just us sanctioning China won't have much of an impact, but the more countries in the defensive alliance the more effective it will be. It would be just one of many things we would do, but the Americans regulating social media for their own survival will have the biggest impact.This is a really tough problem to resolve. I can't imagine getting enough countries to form any kind of alliance similar to Nato, but I also don't think it's needed - at least not yet. I would like CSIS to have the ability to speak openly about interference by foreign actors, allow them to name politicians/institutions, if there is information indicating those politicians/institutions were assisted by foreign actors, warned by CSIS, and didn't take CSIS advice to help mitigate it. I would also hope if there is intelligence of diplomats breaking our laws, that they should be expelled without delay. Our laws are pretty weak in this area, hard to talk with other countries about a bigger response unless we get our own house in order first.
NATO needs a large, well equipped, well manned cyber security contingent, to take the online war directly back to those waging it.I do like the idea of presenting a united front of democratic countries, but it is such a complex issue compared to an alliance like NATO. Proving an attack by force on a country, be it a declared war or "SpEcIaL MiLiTaRy OpErAtIoN" is pretty straight forward. Political interference is not, especially when dealing with countries that essentially own and operate companies located here. Society is having enough trouble agreeing on the simple stuff that I'm worried about all our survival. I do think it may be time to change how we allow trade with other countries, 'Freeland Doctrine', and think it may offer some protection and change foreign influence to some extent.
Can you imagine if our governments allowed us to go hog wild as a response to their attack on us? With how many computers we have collectively to use in this new form of warfare.NATO needs a large, well equipped, well manned cyber security contingent, to take the online war directly back to those waging it.
let them taste ddos attacks, backdoor attacks, let them deal with malignant viruses in their hardware...let the russians and the chinese deal with an army of infoirmation bots, not spreading lies, but telling the truth to all their citizens.
if they find bot farms outside china or russia, shutthem down, and arrest the ones running them. put them on trial as enemies of world peace.
Vlad used hackers and cybercriminals as internet privateers, they even had code to avoid attacking Russian computers based on the language selected. Attack and steal from the west all you want, but don't touch Russia. I guess with the sudden new reality many of those mostly young people are on the wrong side of the fence now and the scrutiny of everything coming out of Russia and sanctions must be bad for business. They are a force that is being increasingly unleased on Vlad by increasingly pissed off Russians. This isn't Stalin's era, they've had a good look and taste of the west, there is the internet and cellphones, while the Russian language broadcast media and news pouring in from Russia's borders will increase. Losing the war, economic collapse and Ukrainian post war prosperity will lead to cultural and political change in Russia and possible dissolution.Can you imagine if our governments allowed us to go hog wild as a response to their attack on us? With how many computers we have collectively to use in this new form of warfare.
Russia, China, the Saudi's, Iran, North Korea, etc, they don't want to see our citizens pissed off and unleashed. For real look what we did to Iran and Afghanistan after the Saudi's attacked us on 9/11.
I can't imagine our world where cyberwarfare ramps up and events like Stuxnet become the norm. Hospitals, water treatment, electricty production, all energy infrastructure, all transportation infrastructure(especially rail and air travel) would be viable targets. This is not be something the West will be able to win quickly, and to be honest I don't have much faith in the resolve of any democracy to sustain attacks for any length of time. Vlad has shown everyone he is fine with cannon fodder, so he is only going to protect items important to him and doesn't need to worry about everyone. All opposition so far has been shown the window, poisoned, or jailed. Xi, little rocket man, Khamenei, etc are in basically the same position.Can you imagine if our governments allowed us to go hog wild as a response to their attack on us? With how many computers we have collectively to use in this new form of warfare.
Russia, China, the Saudi's, Iran, North Korea, etc, they don't want to see our citizens pissed off and unleashed. For real look what we did to Iran and Afghanistan after the Saudi's attacked us on 9/11.
Five EyesI can't imagine our world where cyberwarfare ramps up and events like Stuxnet become the norm. Hospitals, water treatment, electricty production, all energy infrastructure, all transportation infrastructure(especially rail and air travel) would be viable targets. This is not be something the West will be able to win quickly, and to be honest I don't have much faith in the resolve of any democracy to sustain attacks for any length of time. Vlad has shown everyone he is fine with cannon fodder, so he is only going to protect items important to him and doesn't need to worry about everyone. All opposition so far has been shown the window, poisoned, or jailed. Xi, little rocket man, Khamenei, etc are in basically the same position.
If the Five Eyes would share intelligence with the public by naming the nations attacking the alliance, this should prevent it from becoming a partisan issue in individual countries and mitigate subversion via social media. Let each country decide what they want to do with that information, whether that be suspend trade with a nation attacking or a simply acknowledge it's happening, or nothing at all. Just get that information to the citizens, and let us citizens deal with our own politicians in our respective countries about the proper response, without having to worry if that information is tainted.
Some people have suggested that one should not feed a troll, but trolls don't just go away, they prey on the weak and try to recruit others to burn it all down.I wonder what caused that Canadian lawyer Poliquin to collapse at a hearing ? Anyone have any updates?
Wasn't he the same guy chasing those bad disobedient truckers in Canada around for trying to halt the "vaccine pass" ?
Some people have suggested it's karmic, but I'm not saying it was a reaction to a jab or anything, cuz y'know those things could never happen when you trust the science!
I don't wish for bad things on people that believe differently than me, I have nothing but love and concern for my neighbours and community.
If you love your neighbor, it's probably a good idea not make their choices for them or prop up people that will, like Trudeau and the collapsing lawyer guy.
People can believe anything they want, it's when they force those beliefs on others it can get contentious.
Provide an example of where a choice is being forced upon someone? Not a single person was forced to be vaccinated that I am aware of. The government had to prevent the health care system from collapsing, and that's not hyperbole, look what happened when Alberta lifted mandates prematurely. Were there some missteps along the way, sure, but was the intent to protect society, yes. If I start doing something that can endanger my neighbour or community, they have every right, and even an obligation to prevent me from causing destruction that affects them and others. That's what makes this a civilized society.If you love your neighbor, it's probably a good idea not make their choices for them or prop up people that will, like Trudeau and the collapsing lawyer guy.
People can believe anything they want, it's when they force those beliefs on others it can get contentious.