Cannabis and Water Pipe Filtration.


New Member
Okay, so I've been interested in the effects of water filtration on Cannabis smoke. I've been smoking nothing but basically bowls for the past 2 years and smoking cigs. Recently I have been trying to take care of my lungs by quitting tobacco and not smoking blunts like crazy and what not. So now I'm thinking of replacing my bowl I blaze with daily with an easy to carry around bubbler for water filtration.

So my question(s) is, what is your experience with water filtration? In bongs and bubblers does it actually filter out the bad plant matter? Does it get you higher or take away the THC and do you feel less of a high? I've also read that water filtration is worse for your lungs and THC/tar ratio then even joints are, what do you think? Are there any downsides with water filtration? Just give me some facts from experience or studies. I'm more interested in bubbler experiences then bongs, since I have a bong but it just isn't as easy to take around with me like a bubbler will be.

Oh and also, I know a vape is the easiest way to take care of your lungs. I had one but the thing fucking broke and I can't afford a new good one till I save more money after working in my full time job and can buy a great one. So for now, I'm interested in water filtration.


Well-Known Member
im smoking out a bong right now, i have an ash catcher and an inline perc not super fancy or anything but yea real smooth definately a different high, better at times. does use slightly more weed though, i think it works great filters out the ash atleast so nothing in your mouth, bubblers are great to swap for a pipe! i am a little ify on wether it actually fiters tar and stuff, it makes my lungs worse


New Member
get a vape...
....did you fail completely to read that I had one, the MFLB, and it broke. I'm currently saving up for either the PAX or Arizer Solo but now isn't the time to buy them. I don't have 150-200 dollars to dump right now.


Well-Known Member
i picked up a nice bubbler for 30 bucks from a local shopbut dont forget its not a pipe! lol i always end up trying to blow out a clog (and water) or put it in my pocket


New Member
i picked up a nice bubbler for 30 bucks from a local shopbut dont forget its not a pipe! lol i always end up trying to blow out a clog (and water) or put it in my pocket
Haha I actually bought a nice bubbler for 55 dollars at a local smoke shop. It's nice and I love it, I even ghetto rigged it to my bong for even more filtration. It's great! The other day I fell asleep smoking it and dropped it on my pants, soaking me with bubbler water...


Well-Known Member
I can tell you this...when I add two bodies of water, like a bong with an ashcatcher and smoke wax, I can take way huge rips and it's smooth but it gets me less high....


Well-Known Member
Bongs are my preferred method of toke

Bubblers are lovely, cute pieces but IMO they tend to be more for looks and decoration

Bongs provide more customization rather than being forced with a single piece

you may also replace a broken steam as opposed to a new bubbler if the end part is chipped

my bongs always hit smooth especially with the addition of ice. It feels more.. magical. That and bongs boost taste


New Member
Water filtration will get rid of some things in the smoke but it's mainly for cooling so it's easier to inhale. Me personally i hate most dry pieces an use m Sov whenever i can. I can't say it's any healthier. it doesn't filter out any noticeable amount of THC. You can take bigger rips more easily since it's cooled and usually has more volume than a dry piece.