Cannabis Church Revival Tour 2010 with THC Ministry


Cannabis Church Revival Tour 2010

Rev. Roger Christie, founder of The Hawai`i Cannabis (THC) Ministry, will be appearing at several Colorado events as part of the Cannabis Church Revival Tour. The THC Ministry is one of the largest cannabis churches in the U.S. and is welcoming new members and branch ministries.

Click here for details and updates on all these events:

Tues., June 22, 2010
SEMINAR - Colorado Springs, CO
Seminar on Religious Cannabis Use
Carnegie Reading Room
Penrose Library
20 North Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Free and open to the public
Wed., June 23, 2010

REVIVAL - Denver, CO
Religious Cannabis Revival
Oriental Theatre
4335 W. 44th Ave., Denver, CO 80212
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Free and open to the public
Sat., June 26, 2010

CONFERENCE - Nederland, CO
Conference on Religious Cannabis Use
Nederland Community Center
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Nederland, Colorado
Pre-registration required. Register online:

Check website to see which speakers will appear at each event.

- Rev. Roger Christie, founder, The Hawai`i Cannabis (THC) Ministry, Hilo, Hawai`i
- Attorney Robert J. Corry, Jr., expert in cannabis religious use
- Attorney Danyel Joffe, expert in cannabis religious use
- Attorney Richard Gee, expert on church incorporation and tax filing
- Travis B. Simpson, legal assistant to Rob Corry, expert in cannabis
- Rev. Julian Don Alexander II, librarian and historian, Cannabis in
Religious History
- Rev. Timothy Tipton, cannabis spiritual use and patient advocacy
- Rev. Kathleen Chippi, Branch Minister, THC Ministry Nederland
- Rev. James Marks, Branch Minister, THC Minstry Boulder
- Rev. Brandon Baker, founder, Green Faith Ministry, Northern Colorado
About Roger Christie and the THC Ministry
Roger Christie, born in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, founded the THC Ministry 10 years ago in Hawai`i. He has been preaching the spiritual uses of cannabis across the country ever since. Learn about the history of cannabis spiritual use and the resurgence of interest in cannabis churches. Cannabis churches are religious organizations whose practitioners use cannabis as sacrament to bring them closer to god. Practitioners have protection of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article II, Section 4 of the Colorado Constitution. The use of cannabis as a sacrament is documented in dozens of religions worldwide, stretching back thousands of years. The revival movement is based on the historical use of churches as a sanctuary for the persecuted and the desire of many medical cannabis caregivers to support their patients spiritually as well as physically.

Click here for details and updates on all these events:
I know of another church like this.

This church has fought for, and won its right to participate in all manner of ceremonies and consumption of "earth based healing medicines". Peyote, ayahuasca, cannabis, ANYTHING that comes from the earth. Interestingly, their religion is the only Indigenous North American religion that is recognized by congress, the UN, and predates the controlled substances act. If you ever wanted to legally consume any indigenous earth based medicine, you should pay particular attention to

Lots of info on the Oklevueha NAC website.
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I got this Flyer from the Okluevueha NAC the other day. Anybody who wants to legally have the right to ingest whatever they feel like can do so. In any State in America, and many countries around the world. Our Freedom of religion is shrouded in tedious constitutional law. THC ministry is a branch of Oklevueha NAC. They have many members who have fought their way through the legal system, and in the end, earned the right to receive sacrament. The church gives out participant cards that its members carry to identify themselves as Oklevueha NAC members with certain rights upheld under federal law. The church also awards churches with 501c3, Federal and state tax exemptions, etc. If you post the churches logo on the front door of your home or business it makes that property a legal church under color of law. It is a FEDERAL CRIME for law enforcement to raid that property. If you do get raided, (which happens) and you do go to jail, (which happens) you will begin a legal fight that will help protect the rights of millions of people; If you see it through to the end. This is not a party drug legalization thing. This is a long term commitment to a set of fundamental beliefs. Generally that we are all part of the same thing, (planet Earth) and being indigenous to Planet Earth, we have the right to commune with the Earth and any of its healing medicines. An Earth-based healing religion is the commitment. If you are interested, this is Oklevuehas website. You do not have to be Native American, or even American for that matter. You do not have to change faith. This is not about respect in a God. This is about respect of the planet and all that is in it.

There are several Youtube videos of James Mooney fighting for our rights, and Peyote's rights, and Winning his case against the Federal Government and the State of Utah. James is the man. If you want a church of your own, you should expect to spend some time with James in Utah.