cannabis cigar


Active Member
Ive been wanting to do this for a while now, once i harvest i hope to try it, sounds amazing lol

past times

Well-Known Member
i tried it with my last harvest and failed miserably. tried it a few ways too but couldn't get the leaves to stay on. good luck and if you get it too work make sure to get pictures


Active Member
what type of resin are they speaking of?
the oil u get from blasting something really cold like butane through a metallic tube filled with pot search on u tube and ull find a guy that shows u how to make it its a very weed intensive process
but for the cannabis cigar
its worth it
ull probably get a 100 dollar joint if not more

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

dunno how old this thread is but i managed to knock one up. just

the cigar wasn't quite the success i hoped it was going to be. it was a little hard to hit due to the thickness of the skewer making a tube down the thing it was like sucking through a straw :( still we hit it like 10 dollar whores n got fuckin caned but half way down it was too much effort so i cut it up n now have an 8th of REALLY honey oiled weed. :)

I'm going to have another go doing it in a much simpler way once i've made some more honey oil tonight! ill keep ya posted