They make it sound like something new

PEOPLE have known about this Medicine for 1000's of years. WITHOUT BS STUDIES TO TRY AND GET AHEAD on everyone else.
DISCOVERED THIS??? ...these fucks just realized WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN MISSING ALL THESE YEARS! is all.
There are well over 300 cannaniboids in this herb probably more..
who the fuck cares about this and that if it works all around when ingested.. in so many ways.
The "entourage effect" is what WE ARE AFTER! Not the "SILVER ONE HIT BULLET" Whats good for one is good for all?.......... NOT!!!!!
LIKE PHARMA TRIES TO PUSH............................................"CHEMO"..
poisoning your lymphatic system IS NOT WHAT ITS ABOUT!

"A cannabis compound has been found to be potentially 30 times more powerful than THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the plant's main psychoactive constituent.
published in academic journal Scientific Reports, involved giving a fairly low dose of the newly unearthed compound, known as THCP (tetrahydrocannabiphorol), to lab mice.
These mice responded less strongly to painful stimuli and also behaved like they had consumed THC, moving around leisurely
Italian scientists have not tested THCP on humans, so it is yet to be established if the new cannabinoid will get users high.
But the researchers said THCP could be the reason why certain especially potent strains of the drug have a more powerful impact than can be explained simpy by the THC content."
....really??? Its not like it wasnt there or used before. Just because they dont understand why it they try and figure it out in order to REAP REWARDS for somthing anyone can GROW IN THIDER BACK YARDS
they keep forgetting this small REALLY IMPORTANT POINT
they can say its for OTHER REASONS like helping people and KEEPING THE CHILDREN SAFE :Lol: all they like.
WE know the truth

PEOPLE have known about this Medicine for 1000's of years. WITHOUT BS STUDIES TO TRY AND GET AHEAD on everyone else.
DISCOVERED THIS??? ...these fucks just realized WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN MISSING ALL THESE YEARS! is all.
There are well over 300 cannaniboids in this herb probably more..
who the fuck cares about this and that if it works all around when ingested.. in so many ways.
The "entourage effect" is what WE ARE AFTER! Not the "SILVER ONE HIT BULLET" Whats good for one is good for all?.......... NOT!!!!!
LIKE PHARMA TRIES TO PUSH............................................"CHEMO"..
poisoning your lymphatic system IS NOT WHAT ITS ABOUT!

"A cannabis compound has been found to be potentially 30 times more powerful than THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the plant's main psychoactive constituent.
published in academic journal Scientific Reports, involved giving a fairly low dose of the newly unearthed compound, known as THCP (tetrahydrocannabiphorol), to lab mice.
These mice responded less strongly to painful stimuli and also behaved like they had consumed THC, moving around leisurely
Italian scientists have not tested THCP on humans, so it is yet to be established if the new cannabinoid will get users high.
But the researchers said THCP could be the reason why certain especially potent strains of the drug have a more powerful impact than can be explained simpy by the THC content."
....really??? Its not like it wasnt there or used before. Just because they dont understand why it they try and figure it out in order to REAP REWARDS for somthing anyone can GROW IN THIDER BACK YARDS

they keep forgetting this small REALLY IMPORTANT POINT

they can say its for OTHER REASONS like helping people and KEEPING THE CHILDREN SAFE :Lol: all they like.
WE know the truth
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