Cannabis culture isn't the ONLY culture LP's are looking to Hi-Jack


Well-Known Member
Once again yet another great interview with one of psilocybes most vocal proponents mycologist Paul Stamets. I recommend watching the entire interview as it's very interesting. The concerning part starts at time stamp 1:00:10

It seems these sheisters haven't had their fill and like a black hole are looking to devour anything they can co op and gate keep to protect their investments. I'm beyond ECSTATIC that Paul views psylocibe culture the way we view ours. By the people for the people, not corporations. These guys don't partake nor care about EITHER of our cultures.


Well-Known Member
The long and short of it is that with all the medical research into PTSD and how psylocibe is great for treating it, there has been a sudden surge in companies looking into this. 20+ in the last couple years. All Canadian cannabis LPs.......

They contacted Paul to try and convince him to work with them. He said he asked each person he spoke to if they had ever done a "heroic" dose of mushrooms (5+grams at once). He said not one of them even tried mushrooms before( seems the same with cannabis given the products they're producing.). He said it's a culture of the people and not for corporations to come in and take it over and shove people out. Glad some people principled people still exist out there.