Cannabis Ice Cream Questions


Active Member
ok i tried it with an eighth in a gallon of ice cream i ate it all and didnt feel shit... even after letting sit for 24 hours fuck!


Well-Known Member
I have a recipe but, since I already posted it I am not going to share. Just experiment around, you will figure it out, Or use the search function.


Well-Known Member
no shit! WOW is right...."i have a recipe but i wont posted because i did already"...REALLY MAN??? people want to know!!!

anyway. if anyone cares. i have seen the recipe on the back of the bag of my Rock Salt. i use it to clean my bong with. i am going to attempt that recipe here in a few minutes, or some time today. i will post it real fast. karma points for me, i suppose.

2 Cups Milk (the fattier the better!!!)
3 Egg Yolks - slightly beaten
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/8 Tsp Salt
1 Cup Of Cream (heavy cream)
2 Tsp Of Vanilla

mix sugar, salt & egg yolks. pour on milk. cook in double broiler until mixture covers spoon. cool, strain, add cream, vanilla and freeze.

i am guessing, since this is a first time effort for me, you take the amount of cannabis you would like to use. infuse the cannabis into the milk and cream. and follow directions accordingly. i will infuse the cannabis into the milk at a temp of 122F-144F (dont quote me on that, as i will explain why it should be higher). i have read in a cooking edition of High Times this is the perfect temp for making butter, as you do not want to scorch the butter or cannabis. i have also read that at 420F cannabis is no longer viable. so, with the info, i may increase the heat of the milk to 350-375. i am also going to try and find a better recipe. if you google Cannabis Ice Cream, in my opinion, thee lamest recipe pops up. seems like a hassle and a huge pain in the ass, for a first attempt. and if you have any knowledge of cooking, you will know any recipe can have cannabis added to it. i suppose maybe just infusing the milk would be best for this attempt and if i find that infusing the cannabis into the heavy cream is needed i will do that on the second try. i may also cut the recipe into half. as this is my first time.

i also just noticed this thread is old. so who knows, i may be typing this for nadda!


Well-Known Member
im adding in a little bit of info. i have been told to substitute the milk for half & half. you want the fattiest milk possible. i bought Vitamin D milk, but will go back to the store today and pick up half & half. the heavy cream i wouldn't want to heat and cool, you may find that it coagulates. and thats not good. there are some shake & make ice cream recipes. i suppose if you wanted to, you could infuse the milk, and follow the recipe as normal. but those recipes and methods are mainly for people that do not have a ice cream maker or are just making single servings. i dont have the complete recipe, but it is basically a large bag filled with rock salt and ice, place a smaller bag inside, add the ingridience (spell check broke) into the smaller bag and shake away.


Staff member
well the recipe you posted from the site is very frickin vague. ive never worked with icecream and cannabis, however you wont get high from shoving grinded up bud into ice cream.. i think badkat would be best to ask about ice cream if you want to post something in the sticky. infact they may have one i cannot recall at the moment. just dig through the stickies. ill deff do a look up for you..


Staff member
welli mean its justlike cookies grinded up pot and ice cream.i guess vague was the correct word


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA!!! you obviously didn't read the thread all the way through. you really should. lol!!!! some people....PA-LEASE!!! i didn't post that one. i posted the one from scratch.


Staff member
HAHAHA!!! you obviously didn't read the thread all the way through. you really should. lol!!!! some people....PA-LEASE!!! i didn't post that one. i posted the one from scratch.
ya ya i did read it through , im just saying the first posted just horrible...I don't see why anyone would think it would work.....


Well-Known Member
I have extensive knowledge making ice cream. You need to make a creme anglaise first, then freeze in an ice cream maker. Take your cream-use heavy cream, it won't separate(the eggs might though if the temp gets close to a boil, above 185f). Place your cream in a pot and bring to a boil. Take off of the heat and add your cannabis. Cover and let set for 5 min. Meanwhile, whisk your egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and then take some of the still warm cream and "temper" into the yolks. Only do a ladle-full or two, you basically want to bring the temp. of the egg yolks up. Continue to stir and add to your warmed cream and you can either use a double boiler or use the same pot you heated the cream in and watch it very closely. Use a reliable thermometer to check your temp of the egg-cream mixture. Constantly stir the mixture to prevent lumps from forming or burning on the bottom. A rubber spatula is perfect for this. Once the temp. comes to 165f the mixture is safe and the eggs are cooked. I personally like mine to come to 176f. Then remove from heat and strain through a seive to remove any cannabis particles-you can also leave them in if you want the "texture" of weed. You can also use a ready-made cannabutter instead of ground cannabis. Once you have strained the mixture add your flavorings-vanilla extract is the most common, but you could use cocoa powder, mint, cherries, bananas, peanut butter, etc. Use your own taste and either blend them until smooth or leave the chunks. Once you are satisfied with your flavors, chill completely in the refrigerator. Now you have a base for your Canna ice-cream. If you have a home ice cream machine just follow the instructions. You can also use the two cans with rock salt method-it's a pain in the ass though. If you have access to liquid nitrogen and are familiar with it, you can make ice cream with just a bowl and a whisk in a matter of seconds. I wouldn't recommend the liquid nitrogen for beginners. Basically you want to freeze the mixture with-out forming large ice-crystals, which is why you constantly stir your ice cream as it freezes. Otherwhise you'll have a big block of frozen cream. I never gave any quantities because those are easy to find on the internet.
When cooking with cannabis remember that THC is fat-soluble. Use any high fat medium to ingest your medicine. Butter, olive-oil, bacon-fat, margerine, mascarpone cheese, cream cheese, heavy cream, milk, etc. Don't burn it and you should come out great everytime.


Well-Known Member
On second thought, you should probably first make a cannabis infused cream, which is like canna-butter, only using heavy cream instead of butter. I would use a ratio of 1oz of trim or 1/4oz of nugs per 16oz. of cream (you can adjust + or - if you would like) and place in a crock pot for several hours (at least 8) on warm setting, then strain. Then once that is made, use like normal cream in a recipe. And it's best to cut the proportion of heavy cream with whole milk otherwise it will be very rich-almost sickening to eat from all the fat.
Hope that works out for y'all.
you should infuse ur cannabis in virgin coconut oil its 100% natural fat. +if you use fine grade keife so its 100% thc no plant matter instead itll combine very well and when heated become very potent +itll add great texture and taste! coconut cannabis chocolate icecream! :bigjoint:
you should infuse ur cannabis in virgin coconut oil its 100% natural fat. +if you use fine grade keife so its 100% thc no plant matter instead itll combine very well and when heated become very potent +itll add great texture and taste! coconut cannabis chocolate icecream! :bigjoint:
tried this and it was lumpy chunks of infused coconut oil in the ice cream and made the whole batch gross it should be infused into whatever milk is present


This recipe is for a 1.5 quart ice cream maker.
Ingredient List:
1 cup canna peanut butter (look at my peanut-butter journal entry for detail I'm not reposting all this)
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup whole milk
2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
home made pot cookies of your choice (i like chocolate chip/chocolate type cookies)

Kitchen Equipment Needed
Medium Mixing Bowl
Electric hand mixer
Electric Ice Cream Maker
Step 1: In a medium bowl, combine the creamy peanut butter and sugar with an electric hand mixer and beat until smooth.
Step 2: Add the milk and blend on low speed for about 2 minutes until the mixture is smooth and the sugar has been dissolved.
Step 3: Stir in the heavy cream and vanilla with a mixing spoon or a whisk.
Step 4: Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours. break pieces of your cookies into the mix.
Step 5: When ready, pour the ice cream base into your frozen ice cream maker bowl.
Step 6: Let mix until thickened, about 15-20 minutes.
Step 7: Pour into a freezer safe container and freeze for at least 2 hours.