cannabis make you smarter???


First of all "makes" is the proper term.

A: i guess it can make you smarter... its activates the problem solving parts of your brain. I toke, then think of a personal problem and i can solve it. So my answer is sure

Toke Up :leaf:


Well-Known Member
well in the form of a question, if he would have completed the sentence it would have been correct.
"can cannabis make you smarter?"

Cannabis alone, No. But used properly, it can help.


Well-Known Member
It affects everyone differently. I like to think cannabis has little effects on life. That's why i think the gateway theory should be directed toward alcohol and not weed. So to answer your question, maybe.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it makes you smarter, or dumber...I just think it makes you think about things in a different way, be it dumb or smart...


Well-Known Member
different strains do different things, I came up with a brilliant idea while stoned that will make me a multi millionaire in the future...I know a couple rappers who write and freestyle when stoned and get more to answer your question ..sometimes....I have also smoked and it has made me retarded..can't find shit I just had in my hand 30 seconds ago and forget something is on the grill or oven.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it makes you smarter, or dumber...I just think it makes you think about things in a different way, be it dumb or smart...
totally agree ;) activates dormant or slow firing receptors, changes perspective ;)


Well-Known Member
Personally, some of my deepest thought occurs while medicated with the wonders of cannabis. Everything is different. My perception of pain is more tolerable...the pain is still there, but at a lower level or one that I can deal with.
I also think companies are missing out on one of the best 'focus' groups out there- cannabis users. Think about it: Things taste different, sound different and we experience events on a 'higher' level than others who do not partake.
Let's review the 5 basic senses under the guidance of cannabis

Sound: Smoke, vape or ingest you favorite strain and then take your favorite album, CD or other high fidelity recording and play it back through your headphones...and notice how much more you actually hear. Spatial distances, pans and other effects are much more pronounced. You really appreciate a good production, but even more so now.

Sight: Do as above but view some abstract, classical or modern art...and really study it. Paintings, poems and other works are best appreicated this way.

Smell: Again, same deal but try to deconstruct the aromas of foods, perfumes or just the outside air.

Touch: I think everyone knows that your sense of touch is very changed. Sex while blazed? It's already great, but becomes fantastic. Word.

Taste: Foods are really wild! Understated or hidden tastes become very apparent. Eat a caramel, or some chocolate wih caramel filling. Notice how much more complex it tastes...not like before. Textures are also energized, and more noticable.

The topic of thought is spot-on as CBD/CBN receptors in the brain (and body) work perfectly with cannabis, it truly is an ages-old wonder! :)


Well-Known Member
Theres some BS just written about short-term memory loss. Now I think.....never mind I lost my train of thought.;-)
Maybe not smarter, but perhaps more thoughtful. If you're an idiot though, you'll probably just have more idiotic thoughts.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Not exactly but it can definitely make you THINK more than you normally do which is why so many creatives tend to find inspiration deep inside the Cannabis.

Don't let it be a copout for constant smoking however.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth I had a very rough childhood, dad died in prison, mom took off when I was 7. When I was in the 5th grade I would smoke every morning on my way to the alternative school in the ghetto of Cleveland Ohio.I was also on probation for running away from home a lot. My teacher noticed one day that I was doing all my work all the time while the other 30 students fucked around and didn't do shit but clown. I was at the head of my class which was a first ever! I wanted to do the work because I was able to concentrate and get it! Well one day she noticed I was drinking a lot of water and being that this was an alternative school you couldn't just walk the halls to refill your water bottle, gangs were a huge issue. Well I straight up told her. Look I'm on probation. I smoke weed, and it helps me do my work.. I swear on my kids, that teacher helped me pass my drug test!