Cannabis seeds?


Once it starts warming up, I'm going to try to plant at least 10 seeds outdoors. I want some that are potent and autoflowering (I'm trying to make growing as simple as possible because I've never done it). Also it would be nice if the seeds were feminized. And could I try to grow a plant or two during the winter or would they die? I live in the southeast, some nights will go below freezing.


Well-Known Member
Don't bother with outdoors during winter. Just wait it out and crack your beans on 420 like everyone else. If you stRted em now they'll just stretch and fall over. Then die shortly after. If you hardened em off indoors and threw em out they'd be getting crap for light hours outdoors. Not to mention frost. Possibly even hard freeze. In a pot? It just went from being a pot to a block of loose ice that just destroyed your roots. Disregard this if you're in Florida. But don't expect to get about a # due to low light hours. (Which are only going to get shorter and shorter) Also autos don't mean simpler. My .02$ would be to just read up and watch some vids on YouTube during the winter. Then go out gung ho in spring.