Cannabis Strain Lineages for major retail strains

Thanks for the info bricktop! Good read and very informative. A real guide to work from and grow from (so to speak)

I noticed that there's no mention of most of the GREAT CALI strains Northern and Southern... LMK? I can name drop if you want?
Bricktop, care to give a run down on ATF. I thought it was a clone only strain yet "IT" showed up here.
in my opinion based on scientific data is that the older land races are nowhere near potent as the new strains and the effort seems mute,but good luck
agreed. I don't know what any of the stuff was called that my first grow mentor, a vietnam vet, used to get us...but it was stronger than ANYTHING i've ever had since. 4 or 5 hits and you had no clue as to how things worked...I remember a burning spear show that I took about that many...I got the munchies and tried the vending machine three times. I couldn't get the right thing despite probably a half hour of deliberating and concentrating.

I know that Indica has compleatly dominated the market and changed strains, but it CAN be bred out with patience and diligence. Current thought is that ALL cannabis originated from indica lines, so really, it already was.

Peace bro and good luck. I'm telling you this Mexi sure has a racy sativa buzz :) Made a MJ latte with it sunday and sat down by the river and tripped out...good shit :bigjoint:

Lol, I thought most researchers/taxonomists agreed that all strains most likely originated from Cannabis Sativa? Hybrids are popular because most growers won't take the time to grow a real sativa. Indica will increase production & shorten flowering times, but there's plenty of sativa dominant hybrids that flower just as quickly. I'll take a sativa high over an indica stone any day.
in my opinion based on scientific data is that the older land races are nowhere near potent as the new strains and the effort seems mute,but good luck

You obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about........"scientific data"- LOL Some of the original, older strains were much stronger than most things available today. With a comment like that, you either weren't smoking in the 1970's and 80's OR you didn't have a good connection. Any old timer (like me) will tell you the strains back then were way better than most available today.
You obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about........"scientific data"- LOL Some of the original, older strains were much stronger than most things available today. With a comment like that, you either weren't smoking in the 1970's and 80's OR you didn't have a good connection. Any old timer (like me) will tell you the strains back then were way better than most available today.

I to am an old timer and I don't agree with that at all.

todays strain have much more THC than the old days
Well then, you should know it's not ALL about THC levels......... it's about the makeup of the THC, which has something like 80 or more different components in it that help define the high. That's why some strains with 10% THC are much better (and/or stronger) then strains with 20%. It's not all about THC levels. Not knocking you, bud- and I guess it's all about different opinions- but I strongly disagree. Nothing more.