Cannabis Use Disorder

Craving weed, becoming tolerant, using more than intended, using marijuana even though it causes problems in life, using it in high-risk situations, experiencing withdrawal and being unable to quit.
Sounds like Seattle. Have you ever been to Pioneer Square? That was happening well before decriminalization.
Its because you can't get good weed in Washington, unless you know someone that grows properly or DIY. Even then, after a couple of buys, you start getting the snicklefritz, so you gotta change suppliers. CNN won't tell you that. It wouldn't help the story get the clicks.
Craving weed, becoming tolerant, using more than intended, using marijuana even though it causes problems in life, using it in high-risk situations, experiencing withdrawal and being unable to quit.
Sounds like Seattle. Have you ever been to Pioneer Square? That was happening well before decriminalization.
Its because you can't get good weed in Washington, unless you know someone that grows properly or DIY. Even then, after a couple of buys, you start getting the snicklefritz, so you gotta change suppliers. CNN won't tell you that. It wouldn't help the story get the clicks.

"Craving xylazine, becoming a zombie, tweaking on more meth than intended, using "blues" even though it causes problems in life, using it in high-risk situations, experiencing withdrawal and being unable to quit.
Sounds like Seattle. Have you ever been to Pioneer Square? That was'NT happening well before decriminalization.
Its because you can't get good dope in Washington, unless you know someone that smuggles it properly or DIY. Even then, after a couple of thefts, you start getting the DTs, so you gotta change suppliers. CNN won't tell you that. It wouldn't help the story get the clicks."

That sounds more like Seattle ;)
Sounds like some bewlshit to me

Yeah I have bipolar and use weed daily and I get told I have a substance use disorder.
I also take the meds they prescribe but apparently taking them daily isn’t a disorder only the weed is. :wall:
I know what makes my bipolar worse and it ain’t weed. Stress and lack of sleep is what makes bipolar worse and that’s why I use weed.
Stress is why most people use daily and get told they have a ‘use disorder’.
It’s so dumb.
The still want to say it’s a gateway drug.
It’s a gateway to smiles, food and sleep for me 99% of the time.
That be some serious hogwash . Bout like the new reefer madness heavy metal in blood scare. Or the projectile vomiting syndrome allergy thingie. Cmon man
Craving weed, becoming tolerant, using more than intended, using marijuana even though it causes problems in life, using it in high-risk situations, experiencing withdrawal and being unable to quit.
Sounds like Seattle. Have you ever been to Pioneer Square? That was happening well before decriminalization.
Its because you can't get good weed in Washington, unless you know someone that grows properly or DIY. Even then, after a couple of buys, you start getting the snicklefritz, so you gotta change suppliers. CNN won't tell you that. It wouldn't help the story get the clicks.
Um, that's not weed that caused what is Pioneer Square... those are junkies and crackheads...
I believe marijuana is psychologically addictive. I'm addicted to growing it, the smells, etc, and I don't even smoke. I also give it a lot of power. I absolutely believe it's a sacred flower.
Depends on you id say its very low in the order of stuff you can get dependent on but people vary that way i will say i agree on the growing side of things for sure though the gardening is addictive i know quite a few folk even when they couldnt use cannabis anymore due to terminal cancer they still grew it even tho they couldnt smoke it cos it choke em the hell out but they still loved it being around it taking care of it i think it was bodhi who said weeds a gateway drug ... to gardening so that sums it up well i think
The 10 Cannabamandments:

1. Thou shallt do no other drugeths (except shrooms; maybe LSD).
2. Thou shallt not maketh thyself a target for law enforcement profiling.
3. Thou shallt not tarnish the reputation and good will toward pot smokers.
4. Thou shallt waketh and baketh on 4/20, keeping it holy; and twice on Sundays.
5. Thou shallt never smoketh in front of children, especially as a mother or father.
6. Thou shallt not operate heavy machinery if danketh thy herb truly be.
7. Thou shallt enjoy sex every time after getting high.
8. Thou shallt always passeth to the left; and never pocket thy brethren's lighter.
9. Thou shallt not snitch, nor maketh up bullshit about weed, for weed is made in the Heavenly Image of The Lord.
10. Thou shallt enjoy weed and share it, for of it, there be plenty.

I don’t really disagree. Do other heads here not feel “addicted”?

Growing is a good solution as far as I can tell. My urges and related stress subside greatly when I have a large stash on hand to smoke when the desire/need arises.
I’m addicted I guess. Ever since Covid hit the family my anxiety level is all over the place and comes out of no where (same with some other Covid people I know) I know I have long haulers and my appetite can be complete shit at times, as I battle unexplained nausea that makes me want to throw up, and weed is the only thing that helps. Kinda sick now and can’t really use my bong because of my throat being raw and vaping doesn’t hit as hard. I love growing it and use to do 2-3 indoor grows with one outdoor grow a year. Now I pretty much do them both at the same time and call it a year.

Although playing golf with some buddies and a few joints along the way, improves my game. Watching movies at home enhances the colours for me, especially when I watch a 3D flick on my projector. Then you have music being fucking amazing, and certain strains makes me enjoy one genre more than another. Cant wait to attend my first concert and getting high beforehand, or during. Have had some good mellow 2nd hand highs, but I want the whole thing next time.