Cannabliss '13


Well-Known Member
hello my old friends here at roll it up :D sorry i havent been around much, I settled in 1 place after a while, which i now realize was a silly thing to do ;) so now im spreading my wings again & this time i plan to stick around :mrgreen:

this year I am in a new area @ 56*N in the UK... most plots will be dug as i find them & I have already put plants in an old faithful, but my GG buddy will take care of those, I will visit when i can :tup: anyway, lets cut to the chase...

here are the strains i got out already...
ROYAL PURPLE KUSH (mom) - Emerald Triangle Seeds
CIRÈSE (mom) - sour diesel (riri) x UK cheese
PERUN f2 - Darwin Seeds (reproduced by ME )
RED ESCAPE - Omni (only 1)
i have some of these out & some at home waiting for the day they go out (very soon)
ROYAL NEPAL - Tanska (Dyr)
NONAME (early) - ME (from bro 13)

be back when iresize these pics ;)



Well-Known Member
this plot is very clay, ill be taking some used soil, chicken pellets & lime to help break it up some :)

heres the chicken pellets i will add to every plot :tup:


Well-Known Member
this is what most of my plots looked like (not the one above) I like lots of cover ;)

& after an hour or so digging & weeding, that plot now looks like this...

& this is old faithful :)
Royal Purple Kush on the left ............ Cirese (SLH x Braindead) on the right...


Well-Known Member
and this is yet another plot, it looked very similar to the last plot, but the soil is more clay/peat/clumpy ;)

here it is almost finished. you can see the coco bricks hadnt expanded, this was a few weeks ago (im just catching up ;) )& in front of my GG buddy, you can see where ive dug a funnel, leading to a deep hole, in case it gets waterlogged :tup:


Well-Known Member
now for some plants, pics taken over a week ago, but i have a planned visit this weekend so will get more :tup:

Red Escape, i had 5 seeds but only 1 germinated (fingers crossed for a girl) forgot i had them cos they were not stored with my seedstash for some reason :unsure:

and i made slug guards for some, but havent got round to making more, but i will ;)


Well-Known Member
Black Domina mother was about 2 months old when she went out. i had her in a 2 " pot for the duration, so hoping shes exploded now she got root space ;)

Black Domina x Perun ... I made this cross when i reproduced the very rare Perun from Darwin Seeds.

they look very afghan dominant :D i like it :wub:



Well-Known Member
Chocolope (DNA official cut) x Perun .... again, made during the repro ;) these look droopy, but i had watered them right before i took the pics ;) you can see we had casualties :(

this is doing best, i hope it enjoyed the seaweed in the water last week & the rain the past few days, hasnt been too heavy tho ;)


Well-Known Member
CheeseLeb x AHP , hoping i get more than a lollipop i got last year :lol:


NoName sativa, didnt get the best light last season, but still managed to pull seeds from 2 plants, 1 finished early october, but the seeds are from a mother that was finished mid-late september :)

looking rather indica in its early days ;)


Well-Known Member
Ultimate Passion known as MUP (Marco's Ultimate Passion) this guy done well with these & spread the seeds he produced, now i have them :) heres the 1st male ive pulled, but the 3rd (of5) MUP male so far. the other 2 auto'd under 24/0 :unsure:

now 2 ladies left..... hopefully ;)


Well-Known Member
PERUN f2.... this is the strain i want to spread info about around the interenet. the F2 repro seeds will be up for sale on another site, & its supposed to be an outdoor strain. I cant find much info on this 1 being grown outside. there is 1 diary, but doesnt show perun in flower unfortunately :( anyway, i had losses with these too, but its part of the game ;)

this is doing ok


I had to top this 1 inside, it was about to hit my light :o

If I make any seeds this year, I will be making Perun f3s, I am starting about 100 seeds that look immiture, but they have the 'I dunno' look to them ;)


Well-Known Member
& ill finish up with a pic of a welcome visitor :tup:

she may keep the nasty bugs away for me :) see you all around the boards...

C :weed:


Well-Known Member
OK I 2 days ago I went to the spot with good natural soil & Planted some seeds deristly into it, no presoaking. lets see how they turn out.

typical my battery went dead after taking just 1 shot lol but these are the seeds...

32x Mighty Mite :D
