Cant figure it out. advice needed.


Active Member
2 weeks in veg and the girls were doing great.
All variables of growth seem ideal, and couple of days ago they just leaned over and layed down. The leafs adjusted and still green and healthy looking.
The stems of all the plants are whitish with spots of green.
I thought I sctreched them so I lowered the 400W light to about 30 inches above them.

Sorry I cant include pics but my camera crapped on me so I have to get a new one before I can post pics.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
mabye they were too stretched & the 400W was too much for the lil babies ,, they got hot & fell over ,, mabye re-pot them ,, or add more dirt to the pots ,, like build up a little mound of dirt around the base of the plant to keep them more sturdy :)


Well-Known Member
what's the node spacing - ie, the space between the leaf stems (petioles)?

check the GrowFAQ while ur waiting for some responses