Can't pin point exact problem..... I think nute burn.....

I have read the diagnosis pages at the beginning of this forum, but this is exhibiting two symptoms and I'm not experienced enough to tell which one exactly it is, or which one it is most likely.......

Everything was going fine until I moved into flowering mode, 12/12. Coincidentally at this time I finally got around to building a diy lumenarc reflector shade, and also gave it some flowering nutes. With the reflector shade I still kept the bulb close as I did before to the plant, but I'm assuming there is way more light now. I did the hand test, and after a minute it is NOT too hot. I also gave my plant full strength nutes, which I mistakenly did - other posts advise to give it only 1/4 strength at first to see how it responds. I think I flat out have nute burn, but am wondering if it could be the lights as well. Lots of leaves in a matter of just the two days after watering with nutes dramatically started to dry out and curl/roll upwards - the tips are all crusty.

Can anyone confirm this is most likely nute burn? If so, what I did tonight was flush it 3 parts water for 1 part soil in the shower. Is that proper? Is there any other emergency tactics I should do? (**Note I have a ph meter in the mail, so I'll be able to sort that out later this week).

If so, when would it be okay to give it a diluted nute solution? Wait a week?

Pic attached..... check the leaf right in the middle of the screen. Thanks in advance.



Weed Modifier
When in doubt flush, which you did and I would wait til next time it needs to give it nutes again just to make sure, and you will see her get better. lights could be to close, what size of light you got, temp/hum...etc, more info would help !


Well-Known Member
well, what are your temps? idk if that is nute burn, the tips turn brown, dries up, then get crunchy. when leaf edges fan up it's because they are trying to disperse heat.

and yes, you flushed properly, although when i flush i add a bit of fert to the last gal. of water so she can have something to feed on for the next seven days or so


Active Member
no i wouldnt flush...doesnt look like nute burn otherwise there would be burned discoloration im thinking the reaction to the extra light is my only guess since i was gonna guess heat stress by just looking at the pic
My room temps are around 78, and humidity is around 60%. The light I am using is a 250w MH. Before I had it just hanging down vertically, and when I mounted it horizontally in the reflector shade I did find it was a bit more hot then before. The one thing I didn't do is measure the heat where the curling was occuring.

I read somewhere that the optimal range for 250w MH was between 6 inches and 18 inches. I had my lights around 8 inches away from the plant. Do you think it's too close? It wasn't too hot for my hand, but was a bit warm.......


Well-Known Member
warm isn't great, what about your air circulation? you have good temps, but maybe the light is too close. i don't use MH, only HPS (250w), i know HPS puts out more heat but i would still think you should raise them about 10in above the canopy


Active Member
My room temps are around 78, and humidity is around 60%. The light I am using is a 250w MH. Before I had it just hanging down vertically, and when I mounted it horizontally in the reflector shade I did find it was a bit more hot then before. The one thing I didn't do is measure the heat where the curling was occuring.

I read somewhere that the optimal range for 250w MH was between 6 inches and 18 inches. I had my lights around 8 inches away from the plant. Do you think it's too close? It wasn't too hot for my hand, but was a bit warm.......
looks like a mixture of nitrogen toxicity, which causes overly lush, soft deep green foliage that is easily damaged and looks a bit deflated and dehydrated; and possible heat stress, 8 inches sounds to close to unless its a air cooled hid, with hps, a hot gaze can sizzle plants even if it seems the ambient air temperature is fine
hope that helps
upthearsenal, I actually have a oscillating fan circulating air - I am not venting as this is my first time and it's really small. I control the heat with a little room heater at the constant around 75-79 degrees. I'll try raising the lights. I'm sure if I raise the lights and since I did the flush, I should notice an improvement. My ph meter should be in the mail right away, so I'll be able to tell if my soil is also too acidic and locking out nutes. I'm going to give it like 1/8 strong solution tomorrow, just a little drink - just a little bit to snack on until the next watering (since I flushed out all the other nutes). Yikes! I'm hoping it's just a burn from heat - that is easy to fix. I'm going to cross my fingers! Thanks for all the tips so far!