Can't tell if this is P deficiency, or simply aging


New Member
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I'd say I'm about a week away from harvesting, trichomes are around 50-50 (clear/cloudy), and brown hair are at about 30%-40%. Anyway, leaves are yellowing, and starting to die, which I head was normal, but some of the leaves have got very weird patterns of green yellow and brown. I read it could be Phosphorous deficiency. What do you guy think? Thanks in advance!


Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
The hairs turning colors means absolutely nothing and is a very bad indicator of anything. Use a magnifier and keep your eyes on the trichomes, those are whats going to tell you what your plant is up to and when its finished. Any deficiency this late in the game is not worth worrying about in my opinion and correcting it while your plant is dying is futile. Take notes and rectify it on your next grow. Your plant looks good to me a little pale but she is coming to the end of her life cycle and that is to be expected. I have lots of strains that finish up with stark white hairs.... Just saying.