CAP ebbandflo question


I have failed(miserably) with a 36 site ebb and flo grow. I pulled some of the plants to look at the roots, and they all have root rot. The inside pot has sitting water 1/8 of the way up after it drains. I suspect this is not normal. The controller is basically even with the pots. Could there be something else wrong?


Well-Known Member
what i have started to do after running in to your same problem a couple times is to boost the buckets up about 1". I put them on a saucer/drip pan the ones you would put under a soil pot, you know what i mean. I do this when i switch to flower what it does is lower the flood height of the water, but also allows each pot to almost completely drain leaving just about 1/2" of water in the bottom. hope that helps


Active Member
that water in the bottom of your buckets is the cause you need to put your pots on a piece of wood about 1.5 inches .this will help you out a lot trust me this is why you are having you have the old buckets or the new ones? the new ones have a false bottom in them so there isn't as much standing nutrient in the bottom. it took me 2 grows to figure this out so I hope it helps you.if you have any other ? about cap ebb n grow just hit me up. you have the best system out there you just have to fine tune it for it to really produce!


Well-Known Member
johndoe what do you the new ones have a false bottom? pics? my system is about 2 years old the black res and black buckets. I have wondered if you cut a piece of styrofoam or somthing like it to fill up the void at the bottom of the outer bucket and just leave an inch or two gap around the feed hose if that would help a bunch???