Carbon filter and exhaust fan help


Hi Guys Im setting my flower room up and it looks a little bit like below, its bascially half a garage. with 8 plants and 2 x 600w hps on rail. Im wantiong to get a fan and carbon filter setup (not keen on a diy as cbf and would rather pay the money and get something I know works well). What size fan and carbon filter would I need for a room like this?

3m long
| o o o o | 2.5m wide + 3m high
| o o o o |
Get you a 6in inline exhaust fan a carbon filter rated for the area of your room. Place filter in room with duct going to your lights, daisy chain the exhaust on your lights and then run duct to vent air out of room.. running i that way serves 2 purposes, your filtering exhaust air.... and your keeping heat down by not letting heat from lights affect room air temp
Thanks, I forgot to mention my lights are already vented in cool-tubes and a 4" fan ducted in, through lights, then out. i'll look into getting a 6" fan and carbon filter. The filters I was looking at weren't rated for any area so I will have a bit more of a look around. Thanks again.
a 6" or 8" fan should be okay.

There might be an advantage to buying the 8", though. For one, you can get the 8" and then run it on half speed with a fan controller. This will move the same air as the 6", but make less noise. I know with the ActiveAir and ValuLine fans, the 6" and 8" have pretty much the same motor, so theres not much difference in power draw.
Also, if you ever want to upgrade your grow room, you won't need to buy new equipment.

Buy the biggest carbon filter that you can for your fan diameter (6" or 8"). Better to spend 50$ extra now than to later realize that your filter isnt doing the job and have to buy a new one.
Hey ADZ, filters are rated by area, "cfm" match your inline "cfm" closest as possible to a scrubber/filter "cfm"

  • 3m long
    | o o o o | 2.5m wide + 3m high
    | o o o o |

3m x 2.5m x 3m = 22.5m so you need to get a filter and fan that can push out 22.5 m. Not sure the conversion for m to ft is?
you need fan power cfm to change the air 3x/minute but you have high ceiling, assuming that your plants will need 1/2 this height, I would go with 1600-1800cfm