Carbon filter help: Don't really care about smell, I care more about longevity of the filter


Well-Known Member
I need 5 filters bc I use 5 tents. I'm trying to go the cheaper route on a cabon filter bc I don't care about smell I care more about how long the filter lasts. Is there much of a difference between a cheapter carbon filter vs an expensive one if I don't care about smell? I need a 6" one.
Well the purpose of them is smell, so how long they last is determined by how long they keep cleaning the air.

I tent to use my around 3 years. Then they get demoted to the veg tent. But smell is a major factor for me.

If your not bothered about smell I'm not sure what the point of a filter is but I don't suppose it matters on which brand because the difference in packing and carbon quantity only really affects how well it cleans the air.
If you don't care about smell are you using them with the thought that they're cleaning particles from the air too? If that's the case than you should know that carbon filters don't really filter particles that well, that's not their purpose.. If you only are looking to filter the air from particulates (spores) look into some sort of hepa filter, you could get "shroom" filters too for each tent if you wanted.
If you don't care about smell are you using them with the thought that they're cleaning particles from the air too? If that's the case than you should know that carbon filters don't really filter particles that well, that's not their purpose.. If you only are looking to filter the air from particulates (spores) look into some sort of hepa filter, you could get "shroom" filters too for each tent if you wanted.

What's a good deal on a good carbon filter. I need a 6" that is about 20" tall. Send a link please from amazon. THanks
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Well the purpose of them is smell, so how long they last is determined by how long they keep cleaning the air.

I tent to use my around 3 years. Then they get demoted to the veg tent. But smell is a major factor for me.

If your not bothered about smell I'm not sure what the point of a filter is but I don't suppose it matters on which brand because the difference in packing and carbon quantity only really affects how well it cleans the air.

Do they actually get filled up with particles? Mine are at 7 years, but they stay inside my tent so its basically scrubbing clean air.
Do they actually get filled up with particles? Mine are at 7 years, but they stay inside my tent so its basically scrubbing clean air.
Yeah, good ones are filled and shaken or vibrated to compact it and topped up.
Bad ones have gaps meaning path of least resistance causing poor cleaning.

If your not bothered about smell there's loads of cheap options.

Or buy second hand.
I picked up a 10" rhino pro for £50 that had been used for one grow, though they could be lying , dust protection was clean though .

Picked up a 5" for my drying area fif £30