Carbon Filter necessary for closet grow?


Active Member
Vegetation: 130w CFL
Flower: 250w HPS + Reflector
Plants: 2 Plants + SCROG
Location: In a closet, Inside a 0.9x0.5x1.6m grow tent


Do you think I'll need a carbon filter?
Will my clothes inside end up smelling like green goodness? Hahaha

:eyesmoke: PEACE


Well-Known Member
H'll yeah they will if you have your clothes in there too. Carbon filter is need for extracting the smell. As best as possible. If you don't care about the smell then no you don't need it


Well-Known Member
does depend on the strain (All will smell to some extent, some way more than others!) but I'd say yes, invest in a decent fan/filter combo (brand name with warranty) And it's goodness but perhaps not so much when your whole house reeks like skunks arse, people can get a whiff outside the house, even though you cant really smell it because you are used to it.:-P


Well-Known Member
if you don't mind everyone that visits smelling it, and you don't care if any of those people a) get jealous and take everything or b) tell someone else who decides to take everything or c)if it is an illegal grow and they call the police and they take everything, perhaps including your freedom, then no, not being able to smell it is not necessary.


Active Member
There are other options that a carbon filter. If you're only growing 1 plant you could get away with ona gel and other deodorizers. If you're planning a big grow then a carbon filter is a necessary investment.


Well-Known Member
Get it now or get it later, but most end up with ventilation and carbon scrubber for stealth odor control. Good luck on your grow.

Don't Tell, Don't Smell, Don't Sell.


Well-Known Member
listen to prosperian, he knows about stealth and I totally agree, get it before they begin to flower/get to big, a cheap 4 inch budget kit can be found for around 100-150$



Well-Known Member
Closet? Or you just can get filter and fan that sits atop, put in corner of closet and it will do the same thing as drilling ventilation holes into walls..IMO


Active Member
if you don't mind everyone that visits smelling it, and you don't care if any of those people a) get jealous and take everything or b) tell someone else who decides to take everything or c)if it is an illegal grow and they call the police and they take everything, perhaps including your freedom, then no, not being able to smell it is not necessary.
Uh, I was talking to the original poster. . . . You should get some new friends though they shouldn't be doing that shit.


Well-Known Member
^^^I wouldn't put any faith in humanity, either. Friends are only friends until they become enemies. No one needs to know what you are doing in the closet. It's not hard to keep a secret as long as it doesn't smell, it's quiet, and you keep your mouth closed.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, how many people come to your house every week? We live in the suburbs, so we get postal workers, preachers, salespeople, friends, family and friends of friends and family. And a lot of people just walking past, exercising their dogs and sometimes the neighbours decide to be nice and bring our bins in. I can tell you, that I have only 4 small plants and you absolutely can smell them from the road outside without the filter. And I know that Critical Kush is not the 'worst' smelling strain out there.


Well-Known Member
and sorry Prosperian, I think I deleted the post you where referring to, but yeah basically said people turn and people talk.


Active Member
"Uh, I was talking to the original poster." oh sorry, that was obvious :roll:
Then what are you doing answering it like a douche? Your problems are not problems of mine or anybody I know, quite possible they're not the ops problems either, let them answer the question for themselves.