Carbon filter on intake


New Member
I'm planning my first grow and I was wondering. Would it be overkill if I used a carbon filter on intake and a carbon filter on my exhaust. I'm growing in my basement and want to filter the air in so it doesn't smell like basement.
My intake air will be directly from the basement since I don't have any windows to pull in the outside air. My exhaust will run to my air ducts so I can dissipate the heat from my lights into my house vents.
Wouldn't be overkill buddy it will stop any unwanted old basement smells getting in the tent. And it will also stop a hellova lot of dust and debris getting in too. Bad or strong house odours can through time cling to your bud imho , my cousin used to have damp in his home and his bud always tasted like the house smelt.

Deodorants too , I grow in a basement I don't need filtered intake but I'm adding one this time because it sucks the air from upstairs right down to the basement and when my nephew spray's lynx after a shower or something as simple as cooks food I smell it where the tents located.

weve probably all smoked weed that you thought mustov been grown in your mates aunties underwear drawer lol coz it tastes like perfume or arse so my advice is it's a great idea pal ,add your filter and save disappointment if there's unwanted smells where you grow.
Put a HEPA filter on your intake fan. Carbon filter on exhaust. Use variable speed controllers to run the exhaust fan at a higher CFM to create negative pressure and you won’t have any problems with smell. If you don’t want to use speed controllers use a larger fan for exhaust (ex: 6” intake/8” exhaust)
I'm growing in my basement and want to filter the air in so it doesn't smell like basement.
I was thinking of using 195 cfm fan as exhaust and a 100 cfm booster fan as intake.

You would be better off using the mushroom carbon filter, or build a hepa filter box for an intake...a large one, like 20"x20".

My intake air will be directly from the basement since I don't have any windows to pull in the outside air. My exhaust will run to my air ducts so I can dissipate the heat from my lights into my house vents.

I was thinking of using 195 cfm fan as exhaust and a 100 cfm booster fan as intake.
Plan on a 400cfm filter to go with a 195cfm fan, or the whole house will smell like pot...might still unless you slow the air flow down in the filter.

Dehumidifier sounds like step one.
The mildew spores growing from condensation on the cool walls is usually the problem.
Remove the humidity, raise the room temp to stop condensation, circulate and filter the basement before it hits your tent.
Might want a sulfur burn treatment before starting a grow also, roommates will love that.
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