carbon filters and odor help


Active Member
I was wondering if I could get some help with carbon filters and odor control. I run a 600w in a cool tube that exhausts out the roof through an attic vent and I have a carbon filter that I connect onto the intake before the cooltube after about week 4. I've only had the filter connected for about 3-4 months of use but I've owned the filter for about 10 months, I think I got it last June. I have a new strain in flower and its only my 3rd grow over all and I'm noticing when the wind blows a little bit just right I can smell it outside.

I'm wondering 2 things, has the carbon in the filter just degraded over time and now its not as effective anymore? Also, does it matter if you have the filter sitting on its side as opposed to sitting vertical? I have mine sitting horizontally on it's side because of space issues, I might try to rotate it to see if that makes a difference.

I was also thinking about looking into some kind of ozone generator i could put somewhere in the exhaust line to exit with the smell. Everything is 6" ducting.

The flowering area is pretty small, id say 4' wide by 2' deep, maybe 9' tall, its a closet. With the exhaust fan air is constantly being pulled into the room and out the ceiling/roof so the house has never ever smelled but we are recently noticing the smell outside, currently in week 5 and nearing week 6

One of the plants is LSD and the other is an unknown.
the filter probably just needs to be recharged. meaning you need to get new coal and put it inside. i live in the middle of no where so i don't use one but i have heard that the charcoal in the filter gets used up and fresh needs to be put in about once a year. even if u are not forcing air straight through it its still going to have a little air going through all the time so its still been working for about 10 months as you say. u can get new charcoal and any pet store to refill it. hope this helps.
Budget Carbon Filters


..................offering equal odour removing performance but with a shorter lifespan. Designed to last up to 9 months, Budget Carbon Filters work in exactly the same way as a standard filter - connecting to one of our RVK Extractor Fans and using activated charcoal to filter out unwanted odours.....................i use a budda smell stopper and i get generally 12 months continuous use then change ;)
do all filters come apart? Mine is not easily accessible so i'll probably have to wait until the chamber is cleared out :(