Carbon Scrubber Questions

Okay so now I'm really interested in growing marijuana, but I need to have absolutely no odor leaving my grow box. I know that an intake fan takes air in and then I connect an exhaust fan to a carbon scrubber for air out.

Does this simple set up of intake fan and exhaust fan connected to carbon scrubber eliminate odor completely and I mean absolutely no smell coming from grow box that could possibly stink up the room the grow box is in? Or do I need something more?

Hidden Door

i've never been able to eliminate 100% of the smell using carbon filters. i go thru plenty of incense to help with the smell. if you're in an apartment or your parents house i wouldn't risk it.


Active Member
there will always be a slight aroma, although nowhere near what it would be! Venting from the scrubber through the ceiling or into a chimney would completely eliminate it if its possible, as long as they dont go in the loft often;)
there will always be a slight aroma, although nowhere near what it would be! Venting from the scrubber through the ceiling or into a chimney would completely eliminate it if its possible, as long as they dont go in the loft often;)

Can I just vent it into a wall?

Also, If I vent into the same room how bad is the smell and is there any way to get rid of it maybe send the air through 2 carbon scrubber?


Active Member
definately use a good carbon scrubber and that will help alot, if u then get an Ozone generator you can put that in your room and that will clean up left over smells (keep it by the exaughst. BUT, you should put a filter on ur intake man, power goes out and that fan turns off, stink starts leaving that box in all directions. I think the best thing u could do is have ozone in ur grow box, and one outside of ur grow box, in combination with the carbon filters on the intake and exaughst and you MIGHT be ok... like hidden door said, lots of incents. If ur growing in ur parents house tho forget it, youll get caught, unless ur parents are just TOO trusting... They dont need warrents. lol.


Active Member
quit growing in your parents house and just use your lunch money for weed
haha, great plan with 2 flaws
thatd be shitty weed, i dont think kids normally get more than like 10-15 a week for lunch? but worst of all YOUD HAVE NO MUNCHIES :( I fuckin hate when that shit happens man. Lol.

but in all honesty, ya, hes right, dont grow in ur parents house, its just dumb... somthing WILL go wrong, you will get caught or you will have to trash it. My bet is that MOST people who grow in their parents house dont see an ounce of weed and end up spending money on a set up they ditch 6 weeks into their grow because their parents catch on.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
my mom and dad gave me $10 everyday in jr high and 20 when i hit high skool, you can tell i didnt finish due to spelling and being way to stoned all the time


Active Member
yea dude, thats fucking crazy! I have a friend who got crazy hooked on drugs like that, his parents wanted to be the cool parents so whenever he wanted to get a pizza or something theyd give him 50 bucks... so then he had money for all kinds of drugs AND leftovers for food.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
BUSTED lol smell is minimal during veg and very slight during flower unless you in the room rubbing your plants i have a grow cabinet in my garage and have the large car door open with the box right next to the door and run a repair shop from home and have never had anyone say "you smell weed" all i use is a diy carbon scrubber