Cat got Histoplasmosis (often fatal) from FFOF. Get the word out!


Active Member
Ive been a coco grower for 15 years, I wanted to use some organic soil just see what it was all about. I order some FFOF. I didnt correlate the soil with my cats illness til I read about histoplasmosis and where it occurs. Cats get it from wet soil , bird, and bat poop. I had a tent indoors with some veg plants, and my cat got in there a few times when I forgot to shut the tent up.

Ive spent 2500 so far in vet bills, I had to take her to the animal ER for 2 days. I couldnt afford it anymore so I bought an oxygen concentrator and built an oxygen tank for her to recieve 4 litres of 95% oxygen per minute. She has medication too but cats hardly ever recover from this and she s only 1 year old. Im looking at a life time of care and medication for her, and I will do whats neccessary no doubt. I got lucky and found a prescription only oxygen concentator worth about 900 for 400 on craigslist. I guess theyre harder to find since covid. I also got a 6 inch hepa filter to clean out living space of fungal spores, and an herbal remedy called Pet wellbeing Lung Gold for cats.

At this point Ive done all that I can do, and a now just hoping and waiting that she can beat this disease. Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection in your lungs. Humans can get it too.

F growing in soil if you have animals. I hope this helps someone.
Sorry to hear about your situation. I've only used Coots mix, with worm poop. Thank you for sharing and educating people.