Caterpillar Poop Falling From The Sky - Pics


There is a birch tree being eaten alive by what im assuming is thousands of caterpillars and worms and there shit is falling oh so gracefully right into my plants. I put a greenhouse tarp over it now and you can hear the shit pellets raining down. But my concern now is that there are buds with shit all in it worms just their shit. i tried cleaning them out with some compressed air but ther are just too many buds to do that with. I was wondering if I can like spray down the plant with hose water but even that i feel like wont get it all out.

If the poop is going to cause budrot or something bad im going to try something but if its not going to cause any harm ill get when i can out and call it good

attached are some pics of what im talking about and some randoms



Well-Known Member
Yea I had the same thing except I also had caterpillars to go along with there shit.I ran out and got some bt to spray on my girls hopefully this takes care of the problem.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a tree raining sh*t down before but I have unfortunately gotten bud rot from caterpillars shitting in my buds. I also used BT to deal with the problem.

I would certainly do whatever I could to keep the shit off and spray to keep moths/caterpillars from finding your buds because it will rot your buds pretty quickly and thoroughly if shit gets into them. Hose water shouldn't harm your plants unless you have high humidity and then it may be a problem. You do want the buds to dry off fairly quickly if possible.

Maybe you can save your crop and the tree too by spraying the tree?


I feel like the BT won't do me an good because there are no worms.. It's literally shit falling from the tree above... I'm going to buy a couple more cans of compressed air and take my time with each bud - wont be able to get it all but I can do my best .. I hung greenhouse plastic so it will no longer get "rained" on