Be very Careful, you are on a list of "qualified" drivers, qualified by the state you hold the CDL from.
very easy for them to cross reference that info.
it could be an immediate loss of permit or maybe they will use it as leverage down the line.
look at NYC and carry permits for guns, (almost impossible to get in NYC).
they found a way to look at people's mental health records and if a person was taking an antidepressant they are knocking on the door and taking the permit and all weapons and accessories.
Somehow NYC says they are not infringing on HIPPA, but they are crossing lists of names....
they say they are not breaking any laws bedpcause they make up laws like the NY safe act.
I don't live in NY, but if it can happen in "The Big Apple" it can happen anywhere.
Good Luck, I commend you for wanting to follow the rules, it's a good thing but the Govt will use it against you if they feel the need.
I am not anti Govt, I am Pro Govt after Repairs!