Central A/C in my closet

Was thinking about running a duct into my closet to help keep temperatures under control in anticipation of my 400 hps light. Too much? or great idea? How should I setup my ventilation if I go this route? Air Cooled hood or cool tube is an option, as I have not ordered the light yet. Still Vegging on cfl's and the plants are doing pretty well.. If I run an a/c line in, do I need an air cooled hood? And can I just exhaust through the ceiling as well?


Well-Known Member
the only problem with that is it still tied into your home ac unit.so you would have to keep a constant check on your grow room to make sure that when its running its not too cold and when its off its not getting to hot.the temps where your thermostat is will determine when your ac is running and when its not...thats if you have it on auto.if its not on auto and just turned "on" its not worth the cost of the power its using to keep it running during your grow rooms lights on period.a 400 watter isnt going to put off a whole lot of heat as long as you have proper ventilation going in and out


Active Member
A/C in the grow room, always a good thing I'd say go with that if you can.

Venting into the attic - as long as the temperature difference between the air you are pushing into it, and the air that is outside is not too great, you can do it, otherwise you have to worry about condensation in your attic (rot, mildew, mold, etc) and yes it is a real problem.

If you've got a/c, it depends on your grow space but an adjustawing w/ super spreader is your best bet. Don't get a cooltube unless you HAVE to, the light footprint is ehhh