cfl grow 1x 250w for veg 2x 250w red for flower day one

brewing up

Well-Known Member
i went the other way around, started on cfl then went to hps, im glad i did i will never go back to cfl they are a waste of time n they seem to grow slower


Active Member
i went the other way around, started on cfl then went to hps, im glad i did i will never go back to cfl they are a waste of time n they seem to grow slower
how much wattage did you use in red cfl in flower and what did it yield per plant?
it is just an experiment i have always used hps i wanted to try something different lol i know the strain im using well and if progress i extremelly slower in flower i will be wacking a 1000w aircooled shade with hps lol . i will keep on updating every 2 days thanks for comments

brewing up

Well-Known Member
i got about 2 oz from 1 plant using 2 x 45w red cfls, iv also used 3 x 125w red cfls on a few plants with varied yields, now i use 2 x 70w hps and 2 x 45w cfl on sides and im getting better buds, the 250w hps/cfl i use now is better than the 375w of just cfls


Well-Known Member
Looks like some of your plants are hungry for N. Pics 4, 5, 6 the leafs are starting to fade in color round the edges. Maybe start your grow feed or up it if you have started. Peace


Active Member
Looks like some of your plants are hungry for N. Pics 4, 5, 6 the leafs are starting to fade in color round the edges. Maybe start your grow feed or up it if you have started. Peace
yeah i have noticed to be honest i didnt use the best cuts i took you can tell wich is the runt of the litter lol . i have increased the rhizotonic to 40ml per ten litres now and using 20ml of a&b per ten litres and will be giving them a splash of super thrive today :cool:


Active Member
day 6 update the clones have took off now settled in nice .

pictures day 5 010.jpgpictures day 5 011.jpgpictures day 5 012.jpgpictures day 5 007.jpgpictures day 5 008.jpgpictures day 5 013.jpg

lights and cameraphone make them look yellow lol will take with the light off next time


Active Member
update day 8 just moved light further away now to strecht the little fuckers every clone now has 4 little nodes pics aint best left light on, happy with progress have settled in nice

day 8 009.jpgday 8 010.jpgday 8 011.jpgday 8 004.jpg


Active Member
could do with some straight answers what will i hit in grams with 5 plants with a scrog with 1 x 250w Plug and Grow Super Lamp - 6400K White/Blue Spectrum for Propogation & Growing and then i will ad 2 x 250w Plug and Grow Lamp - 2700K Red Spectrum for Flowering using coco and canna nutes topping and training all of them ???????????