CFL grow Showing spots

Mr Choof

Active Member
My plants of about 3-4 weeks have started to start showing spots :( Details and pics are as follows... Watering with filtered water at a ph of about 6. Also using small amounts of Nutes (1ml per 500ml) Can give specs of nutrient (general purpose plant nutrient) Watering roughly 250ml every second day (when soil is dry) 3x 48w 5k CFL's. Plants were going great untill about a week ago when the spots started showing on the lower leafs. Have already cut a couple off. Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance helpful stranger... Peace.



New Member
They look like they are clones and clones grow differently than a regular seed does. I am not sure whether this is a normal thing or not with your clones but I know mine looked similar for a while until the new growth appears and then it takes off. Clones take a long while to kick in gear and don't always look as healthy as a plant from seed.
I hope some others can pitch in to help you.

Mr Choof

Active Member
Thanks for the input Lacy. Unfortunately they are not clones. They are random seeds that i have been given. Looking a bit wilty at the moment so i think ill let em go a lil while without water and see how the turn out.


New Member
Wow :o really. :| I don't have a clue what is wrong with them. Perhaps over watered?
Really not sure.


Well-Known Member
How much water are you giving them when you do water?

Those spots almost look like an MG problem, not too sure though.

Did those spots start at the tips of the leaves and make their way up it?


Well-Known Member
Those rust spots are a sign of a magnesium deficiency I think. Have you been using cal/mag or dolomite lime?
When you water does water come out of the bottom of the pot? What are the nutrients you're using? N-P-K What soil are you using?

Mr Choof

Active Member
I think they look like clones because the leaves are so low to the ground which is good cause i want to keep them low, but they are SUPER low, haven't really seen plants this low... Anyway i'm not using dolomite. The nutrients im giving them contain cal and mag which is 17.86 and 6.34 respectively. Not sure what that means but thats the numbers on the bottle. Nitrate is 23.15, Potassium is 31.95, Phosphorus is 5.7. This are all in gm/lt. So grams per litre? Soil is a good cuttings and seedling mix. Have pots filled 50% perlite at the bottom and 50% soil on top. Watering them 250ml every second day. Sometimes water comes out the bottom, but only a little. The new growth looks good. I have just cut the rest of the bad leaves off. Gonna see how it goes after this. Thanks for the feedback guys! Much appreciated. Peace.


Active Member
leaves often curl to try to shed excess water... those look really juicy mate.... lay off the h2o for a bit and let that soil dry out completely before rewatering... also is your humidity over 80%???

Mr Choof

Active Member
Yeah i did have a lil incling that i might be over watering, ill leave em without for a while. Cheers Incog.

Mr Choof

Active Member
This is how its looking at the moment. Gave it a lil prune of the spotty leaves. There are a couple ones just starting but i will leave them for a bit longer. Seems to be happening to the initial fan leaves. Not sure what the humidity would be like...



Well-Known Member
Nitrate is 23.15, Potassium is 31.95, Phosphorus is 5.7.
Those are the NPK values...

Yea, it definitely seems like you are watering too much. Are you seeing runoff when you do water? Give them a good soaking every other 5 days...wait 5 or 6, then water again.


Well-Known Member
how many CFLs are you using? How many true watts are the lights & how are you positioning them on the plant? I agree with the others about over watering. you have to remember CFLs have poor light penetration, and you often have to place more of them on ontop, and around the plant as it gets larger and more vegetation. from your pictures there is alot of growth near the bottom, like a little bush, I was wondering if you had kept your lights more on the sides rather than the top in order to get the proper light to the lower area? If so try using a total of 3 1 on top, 2 on each side for now, (adding more CFLs as it needs) and rotate it once in a while. save some money for a HPS because you will be dissapointed if you flower with CFL.