CFL light questions for AG


Well-Known Member
I am having rouble finding Daylight CFLS.

I am 3 days into my first AG grow and things are good. (you can see my AG newbie thread)

I have the AG elite veggie.

I have added a 200 W (55w energy) 3860Lumen in a refelctive clamp light.

I am also adding 2 more 150 W (42w energy) 1750 Lumen in similar clamp light.

I can not find daylight bulbs anywhere. Is this OK with the AG light?

Will having soft white instead of daylight make it more lik;ey for male plants?

If I do soft white all the way through (seed, veg, flower) will I be OK or do I have to change to daylight for veg?



home depot man, got 3 diff kinds of CFL's, daylight sunlight and something else, not sure off top of my head. however just go and check out home depot, the color temp or kelvin is on the back of the package, higher the kelvin = veg light (5-6k) lower kelvin = flower light (2-3K) got all mine there. many diff sizes and watts and shit should scoop some of these too, in addition or to replace those big hot clamp lights i think u said u wer usin, cheap as hell and can put a shit ton of em on a surge protector strip. good luck tho bro


hey man, no problem... i have only ever seen these things used in ghetto xmas lighting from my pop or for some random use, but they are in the same isle/area in home depot as the Y connectors... its a simple male elec socket on one end and a female light bulb socket on the other... took some pics to help clarify for ya.. good luck bro... then i just line a couple of em up on a surge protector... got some shots of that too. sorry if im kinda all over the place, hope i helpd ya



Well-Known Member
Perfect! Those pics are very helpful! I couldnt figure out what they were from the first pic. I dint see the female adapter on the plug and that si what was confusing me.

Off to Home Depot today!


Well-Known Member
I am having rouble finding Daylight CFLS.

I am 3 days into my first AG grow and things are good. (you can see my AG newbie thread)

I have the AG elite veggie.

I have added a 200 W (55w energy) 3860Lumen in a refelctive clamp light.

I am also adding 2 more 150 W (42w energy) 1750 Lumen in similar clamp light.

I can not find daylight bulbs anywhere. Is this OK with the AG light?

Will having soft white instead of daylight make it more lik;ey for male plants?

If I do soft white all the way through (seed, veg, flower) will I be OK or do I have to change to daylight for veg?

If you have the hood with the three high intensity CFL's then I have to ask why do you want to add more lighting? That's the value of the Aerograden; it's a complete system that doesn't require any additional lighting. I had successful crops with it 'as is' and I didn't have to worry about burning down the house with a wireman's nightmare of cords that gets to look like a snake pit from the first Indiana Jones movie.
What most people want to do is light up the bottom and I found a couple, (Three) cheap mirrors do the trick. One behind and and on each side will reflect the light back up and you'll get buds right down to the planting deck. Give it a try.


Well-Known Member
If you have the hood with the three high intensity CFL's then I have to ask why do you want to add more lighting? That's the value of the Aerograden; it's a complete system that doesn't require any additional lighting. I had successful crops with it 'as is' and I didn't have to worry about burning down the house with a wireman's nightmare of cords that gets to look like a snake pit from the first Indiana Jones movie.
What most people want to do is light up the bottom and I found a couple, (Three) cheap mirrors do the trick. One behind and and on each side will reflect the light back up and you'll get buds right down to the planting deck. Give it a try.
Thanks. I got the additonal lights after reading everything in here.

Just with the AG lights it works well? Thats cool. have you done any with additonal lights? was there a difference in the plants?

I picked up a Mylar 3 x 3 grow tent on ebay. I had to do this for stealth purposes.

Is there a negative effect for the additional lights on the plants? I apparently overnuted (see my other post) so i flughed out teh water refilled the rez with 3/4 gallon on distilled water and filled the last 1/4 with my premix jug of fox farm trio.


Well-Known Member
Plants like light, the more the merrier, just don't put too much heat on your plants. You can position CFL's two to three inches away but I think the mirrors work better without any danger of harming your plants with excessive heat.
I've tried mylar and aluminium foil and for the difference in price I think the foil does as well. Just remember, "The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection," so if it's on your wall it reflects right back too you. It may look better but with the mirrors you can adjust the angle of the light to illuminate the lowest parts of your plants with the same electricity it took to light the top and there's no heat threat.