CFL lighting


Active Member
I am going to grow 2 plants in a closet, is it best to paint it white or use tin foil? Also with lighting how many watt cfl's do i need for this space, for growth and then flowering to get a reasonable yield?


Well-Known Member
Paint it flat white. Don't use a gloss paint and don't use aluminum foil. If you can get to a pharmacy or a Hallmark store, buy some mylar (the shiny giftwrap). Aluminum foil will reflect light at weird angles and burn your plants.

As for lighting, the more bulbs you can get the better your plants will do. You just have to figure out how much you're willing to spend.

Good luck.


Active Member
Cheers for that, as far as lighting goes its obvious that the more i can get the better, but im on a tight budget and was wandering what the minimum amount of light to get an ok/decent yield would be?


Well-Known Member
You can start with one CFL per plant if you're on a really tight budget right now, but you'll need to add more as the plant gets larger. And it doesn't really have to do with the watts of the CFL, but the lumens it produces. Look on the package of a CFL and it will tell you how many lumens it produces. You should have at least 10,000 lumens when you go into flowering. I use 2 15 watt CFLs for side lighting only, and they each produce 1000 lumens. They cost me about $4 each at Lowe's.