CFL Low Ryder x Ak47?

Wanting to do a cfl grow.
Ideally its going to be some type of auto-flowering, why? Im impatient, ;) and have little room.

I have enough space for 3 plants, Ventalations good, No light leaks, Good temps.

I was going to buy a grow kit, however they only seem to come with hps lights :(.

As the plants autoflowering I plan on using both spectrums from start to finish.

Thinking 6 cfls? 3 of each spectrum will 23w per bulb be ok?

Also i need a light fitting, the only ones i can find cost farrrrr too much for what they do? Is it easy to rig it up myself?

I was originally going to go with that kit, however, I can get the most things i need from my local garden centre for less. The only thing I was thinking of getting it was for the light, however I wanna keep costs down, Hence why using cfls.

I have seen lots of grows on here with 2 Way light fittings, They would be ideal. Just plug straight into the mains with the 3 pin socket ( In the uk :) )
(Oh what about this: Its says it can take uk to 60w surely it would be fine with the 25w bulbs? )


Confused. Need a spliff.



Active Member
auto ak is great for beginniners, 6 cfls will do just fine. just put em in at least 2 gallon buckets and water every 3-4 days. keep the lights on 20/4 and they will be ready to harvest in 2 months


Active Member
Bathroom lights in a rubbermaid box will work fine. You've probably seen the rubbermaid boxes on this site. A 30 gallon will hold 2 light strips on each side, that hold 3 bulbs each. Use 6 x 26W @ 6500k and when they start auto flowering, you can add some Y connectors for a total of 10 bulbs, 10 x 23W @ 2700k.