CFL question.


Active Member
OK, so I am sure everyone is sick of this question, for that I do apologize. However I am wondering if 52,120 lumens of a mix between CFL/Floro is enough for a room that is 3 foot 10 inches wide/long at 8 foot high? I wanted to use an HPS, but my issue is I can't modify the house that much as I am renting, so venting out an HPS is almost not possible. So I went with CFL/Floro. Exact lights I am using are 12, 23 watt CFL bulbs 2, 65 watt CFL bulbs, and 8, 4 foot T-8 bulbs. I have more sockets I can use if need be. I have 8 CFL at 5500k 2 at 2700k 4 at 6500k and all the floros are 5500k. I have 4 50 gallon totes with 2 plants each. They are divided in the middle with lexan plastic. So are my lights enough for 8 plants? Before anyone goes nuts on me, Yes I plan on moving 2 totes outside during the summer, as Ruderalis is legal to grow where I live (Grown for CBD oil).

Plants I am growing is, 4 Finola Ruderalis, and 4 Afghani Kush.

Thank you for all the info you may provide, and any answers you may give.
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Well-Known Member
Yep, yep , yep that be a lot of CFLs.
Time to make life a little simpler and upgrade my friend. Drop the $ and buy a good LED panel, or LEDs panels.
That many CFLs will generate a lot of heat.

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Well-Known Member
cfl is most inefficient of all grow lights. leds from good reputable companies are expensive (no mars is not a good company) I would go with a 315 cmh or high output t5 fluorescents ( again florescent lights are on the low end of efficiency in grow lighting)
also regardless of the light you choose you still need ventilation. Plants resperate a part of photosynthesis and in a closed environment the humidity will spike when you hit late veg. high humidity causes carbon filtration to stop working and increases the chances of fungal disease like P.M. and bud rot.
get a 3.5x3.5 tent and inline


Active Member
So I called my landlord today, and asked him if I can put in a ventilation system in the house. He asked me why. I told him "To scrub the air of dust and other allergens". He asked me how big it is. I told him its as big as the closet. Lol. He said I can modify the inside of the house as much as I want. I am not allowed to drill into the roof or the sub-flooring.(Yes my house is over 100 years old) So I was thinking, now that I know I can do it. I am going to be buying 2 600 watt HPS setups from Apollo.(Purchased while typing this) I already ordered my new carbon filter setup. I also ordered 2 extra inline fans for intake and exhaust.(Also for cooling the lights) is their anything I am missing for this? I have 2 outlets going into this closet that are on a separate breaker(60 amp). Incase you need to know. Also Do I need to buy a Co2 Generator?


Well-Known Member
So I called my landlord today, and asked him if I can put in a ventilation system in the house. He asked me why. I told him "To scrub the air of dust and other allergens". He asked me how big it is. I told him its as big as the closet. Lol. He said I can modify the inside of the house as much as I want. I am not allowed to drill into the roof or the sub-flooring.(Yes my house is over 100 years old) So I was thinking, now that I know I can do it. I am going to be buying 2 600 watt HPS setups from Apollo.(Purchased while typing this) I already ordered my new carbon filter setup. I also ordered 2 extra inline fans for intake and exhaust.(Also for cooling the lights) is their anything I am missing for this? I have 2 outlets going into this closet that are on a separate breaker(60 amp). Incase you need to know. Also Do I need to buy a Co2 Generator?
You got a dryer plug in there or something? Im not sure I'd be comfortable with a 15 or 20 amp outlet on a double pole 60 amp breaker. (Assumes you're in us) but other than that nah that's plenty to get up and running. Don't worry about adding co2 at first. Really pick a couple strains you like grow them a few times and maximize your yield for your space and lighting. Then you can add the tank in. I've had a titan regulator and some tansk for years and only run them when temps get pretty high.


Active Member
No no dryer plug. I hired an electrician to do it for me. I told him I need 120 volts at 60 amps, and he put it in for me. I am not good with wiring a house. What I do know is there are 2 boxes with 4 plugs each, and a 60 amp breaker for them. Other than that I am not 100% sure. The guy I hired is well known in my area. Lic/Bonded and all that ofc. I have some plants growing, They seem pretty tolerant of my nubiness. So I will stick to these until I get the hang of it. Thank you for your answers. Once again sorry for asking questions that seem noob. I just do not want my ladies to die. It is better to ask, than guess, and kill a whole crop.(I think)


Well-Known Member
No no dryer plug. I hired an electrician to do it for me. I told him I need 120 volts at 60 amps, and he put it in for me. I am not good with wiring a house. What I do know is there are 2 boxes with 4 plugs each, and a 60 amp breaker for them. Other than that I am not 100% sure. The guy I hired is well known in my area. Lic/Bonded and all that ofc. I have some plants growing, They seem pretty tolerant of my nubiness. So I will stick to these until I get the hang of it. Thank you for your answers. Once again sorry for asking questions that seem noob. I just do not want my ladies to die. It is better to ask, than guess, and kill a whole crop.(I think)
Ahh ok. So you basically have 4 15 amp standard household circuts. Usually the are paired in whatd called a gang. That would be two plug spots one above another. For a total of 60 amps of current available. That's plenty. I pulled 2 20 amp circuts and use the 15 amp that was already there. I run a 1k a 600 and 3 exhaust fans air pumps a 12000 btu air con and all the odds and ends and never get close to tripping breakers. You will be good to go with future expansions too. Good call


Well-Known Member
One suggestion I have is after your first run with the bulbs appollo sends with the kits go ahead and get some quality hps bulbs. I personally like the ushio I think agromax or something phillipsales some good ones too