Cfl scrog temps need advie


Basic info:
DWC 1 plant scrog
2 weeks into flower
Strain is blackberry
Day time temps 77-82
Night time temps remain the same
Humidity ranges from 25-45

Everything seems to be going well, but flowering rather slowly it seems.
My question/concern is will the same constant temps throught day and night affect the flowering stage in any way or should I be good and just keep a close eye on everything?
They say to keep the temps between 70-80 optimally during lights on and above 60 lights off. Like ambient room temperature during sleepy time.


Well-Known Member
The temps shouldn't be a problem. What causes problems is too hot or too cold. You're like Goldilocks just right.


Lol that's what I was hoping for!! I knew my temps weren't 2 hot but I wasn't sure if warmer nights would affect it, but marijuana plants are rather strong and should be able to adapt rather quickly so I'm hoping for the best, thanks!!