Cheap cooled hood?

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
Im looking for a cheap a/c hood. Could anyone suggest where to find one cheap. I want a bigger size one like similar to the sun system or hydrofarm radiant a/c. And dont say htg i have seen their hoods in person and they are cheesy.

looking to pay 100 or less


I've been doing a lot of searching for inexpensive hoods as well. If you want something big, I can't speak for the quality, but for the price and size, you might look at this:
32" long, 26" wide, 7.75" tall 6" air cooled hood for $19.95

I know nothing about the company, the hood, their shipping prices, etc.
Just found it through google shopping. Best of luck.

Edit: I'm a fool for searching and not reading dates. My bad. x_x