Cheap web site where i can find a t5 high energy fluorscent kit??

Merry Janemas

Active Member
here this is the cheapest i can find, a t5ho 4ft 54 watt balast with bulb:
Sun Blaze T5 Fluorescent Strip Light 4ft 1 bulb 54W

oh and also if you break it down this is cheapest even if you get multiples of them. see it is a single t5ho light with balast. now for 10 bucks you can get a thing to mount four of these single balasts together. and since the balast and light is only $35 it is actually cheaper to buy this four times than most of the 4 bulb t5ho balasts. see the balasts that are solid and have up to four bulbs in them cost around $220. but 4 1 bulb/balast my way is only $140 if you just hang them individually $150 if you buy the mounting. but i wouldn't buy the mount probably because what you want to do is spread out the light and give more lumens/lux to other parts of the plant. now for an extra 15 or so dollars you can get a reflector for the single balast. i would only get the reflector if it is in the horizontal in the middle on the top but as a side note you can not use the reflector on the mo0unting system with 4 bulbs, i think you can only do 2 bulbs in the mounting system if both of them have reflectors on them. the reflectors are like $20. otherwise, without reflectors, like i am planning, my future t5's (which i am going to buy the 4 foot one i posted) i am going to put vertical length and horizontal for more lux/lumens around the plant and hopefully get more budding tward the bottom of the plants (as i have 2 hps and 4 cfls up top (high wattage cfl's like each is 105 actual watts and its like a foot long)). just an idea for you though

oh and as a side note if you do end up buying these, try to buy at least $75 worth. as it is free shipping, so now minimum i would recomend getting 3 so that way you can get free shipping. now 3 is going to be 105 dollars, but you would spend almost that much if you bought two and had to pay for shipping (two balasts/bulbs will only cost $70, $5 less than free shipping. see it is more cost efficient to buy 3. or if you want to get real anal you could buy two and just pick up some stupid shirt or coaster set they sell online at thier store for another $5. but then your wasting $5. so...

hope this helps.

oh but if money is your biggest concern then this one is five bucks less ($30), but is only a 2 ft instead of a 4 foot, so its a t5ho 2foot 24 watt balast and bulb:

now if you get the two footer for less i would suggest getting the reflector at this point. only because a 2 footer is putting out half as much light as a four footer, so you want to use as much as possible. but once again if money is a concern then think about getting some mylar or something and make your own reflector.
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