Check it out! leave some recommendations


Veg Setup:
Nutes/ Watering:
- Vita-Grow (Super Micro, Super Grow) NPK+CA= 5-5-8-4
- Fox Farm Big Bloom once after each flush
- Flush every 3rd feeding
- Feed every 1-2 days or whenever the soil is dry for about 3 inches from the top
- Increasing dosage every week with the nutes

- 2 T5 lights 54W
- 3 42W heating florescent tubes

The pictures above are the Ice clones in veg. room (first 3 pics are 1 week 3 days in pots, the other one is rock wool it has been in a pot for 2 days)
I think the Ice is a little N def. because I just found out they are N whores and I didn't know that. I'm new to cloning so if I could get some advice let me know.

Flowering setup:

- Vita-Grow (Super Micro, and Super Bloom I cut super grow out too much N) NPK= 0-8-13
- I was adding the shooting powder too early so I cut that off but that will be used in another week or so together NPK= 0-17-33
- Watering is the same as above
- Flushing the same

- 400W HPS with wing ref. and ballast
- 250W heat lamp ( only use because its more light and keeps it warmer just like a heater)

Alright below in pictures 1,2 that is Ice it has been in flowering room since the 22nd. Pictures 3-6 is Kush it has been in the flower room since December 26th of last year.
