Check my progress!!


Active Member
This plant is 3 weeks 1 day old, bag seed. I had it inside under 2x26w cfl's for a little over 2 weeks and stuck it outside about a week ago. I mixed in some blood meal with its soil earlier this week also. Should I top it now (can someone direct me toward a good topping guide?) & should I be able to tell sex yet? It looks like its getting hairs at the end of each stem? (see sideshot pic) How does my plant look? Thanks!



Well-Known Member
how big do u want this to get? if u top it now it will be nothing and yield nothing its quite small wait till it has about 3-6 branches, not water leafs, the branches with nodes. and also to top it u just cut the new growth off the top not the whole thing about 80% of it off

heres pics of my plants all topped about 2 weeks ago only one not topped is the one showing buds


tuff gong

Active Member
You seem to be in the same growing stage as me ;). My plants germinated 4 weeks ago, but i always kept them outdoor ... I think you should wait before topping and even to determinate the sex of the plant ... I wish you good luck !