Check my weed plants and comment please thanks


Well-Known Member
can't tell sex by the vid, are they autos or photos? Also you'll need more light than what you currently have to bring them to full term. If you're going to stick with clfs here is the highest wattage cfl at the lowest price (that I've seen) that will fit in the sockets you're using. You'll also want some 2700k clfs for flowering. You shouldn't use the 5000k bulbs you have for the entire life of the plant. Doesn't have the right spectrum for flowering. Both the veg and flower spectrums are avail on this site for about 20 bucks a pop. Not bad for about 7000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
cant tell the sex yet man. One way to get an idea is if you planted 3 and 1 of the 3 is getting biggg fast, usually least in my exp
can't tell sex by the vid, are they autos or photos? Also you'll need more light than what you currently have to bring them to full term. If you're going to stick with clfs here is the highest wattage cfl at the lowest price (that I've seen) that will fit in the sockets you're using. You'll also want some 2700k clfs for flowering. You shouldn't use the 5000k bulbs you have for the entire life of the plant. Doesn't have the right spectrum for flowering. Both the veg and flower spectrums are avail on this site for about 20 bucks a pop. Not bad for about 7000 lumens.
I know this may seem cheap etc, but i dont have money atm, also i dont have any way to buy on internet at the moment mate, so only thing i can do if go how im going, Also i dont have the type of money to kill my ellecy Bill thats not the idea :p
since i havnt got a job right at the moment, so Im going to have to do what im doing to flower too, once i get this job im looking into i should be able to afford it, all of it And do a proper room out, When i get to this stage i will Get more help off here to complete it and do it all Pro, but like isaid Im broke atm :/


Well-Known Member
just save some money up. go get some daylight cfls.. and some soft white ones. the ones i buy come in four packs for like 8 dollars or something.thatll take you all the way through harvest.


Well-Known Member
just save some money up. go get some daylight cfls.. and some soft white ones. the ones i buy come in four packs for like 8 dollars or something.thatll take you all the way through harvest.
He's right, at the very least home depot sells 68w CFLS in a 2700k color spectrum for $16 bucks if I remember correctly. The lights you have will not see things through till the end like you want them to. A small investment in, at the very least, some smaller wattage if not larger wattage lights in the 2700k spectrum is needed to make your plants flower right.

An excellent explanation of why this is true in the link below. I'm not trying to break your bank man, just want to make sure you have the knowledge to see your plants through to harvest. This minimal investment will pay for its when it comes time to harvest, this I know to be true.


Well-Known Member
sorry mate, yanks over here. Seriously though I have no clue but I'm sure if you went to your local hardware store and asked for a high wattage cfl in a 2700k spectrum they could point you in the right direction. Just tell them you're looking to replace a high intensity discharge warehouse light with a compact flourescent.
sorry mate, yanks over here. Seriously though I have no clue but I'm sure if you went to your local hardware store and asked for a high wattage cfl in a 2700k spectrum they could point you in the right direction. Just tell them you're looking to replace a high intensity discharge warehouse light with a compact flourescent.
Alright well its my birthday on september 3rd i will do it all around that time bro, im getting a bigger Wardrobe from my girlfriends in the next few days for it, I will Keep you all updated on it, Also when should i put my babys into flowering mate, i was wondering should i do it around my birthday? i dont want to do them to late because i dont know if there male or Female, i just wana try these... once i can afford some female seeds off internet (postal order) blue cheese seeds then i will buy some female ones to make it alot easyer for me, If you got any more things to help me on the way please do help i need it all, since i am only a starter at this and this forum :) thanks people


Well-Known Member
Flipping the lights to a 12/12 will force a flower and show sex on all your plants. If you want quality fem seeds check out he's based in the UK, used to ship to the states, unfortunately not anymore. Indica dominant plants are easier to grow for people who haven't had as much experience. Cheers!
Flipping the lights to a 12/12 will force a flower and show sex on all your plants. If you want quality fem seeds check out he's based in the UK, used to ship to the states, unfortunately not anymore. Indica dominant plants are easier to grow for people who haven't had as much experience. Cheers!
How long into flowering will i know the sex?


Well-Known Member
about a week and a half, its highly dependent on the strain and since you aren't running high wattage lights in a flowering spectrum perhaps two to two and a half weeks.
about a week and a half, its highly dependent on the strain and since you aren't running high wattage lights in a flowering spectrum perhaps two to two and a half weeks.
is it true if u put them into flowering they grow 2-3 X the size of it before flowering ? because mine are pretty small atm 3 weeks 1 day old, im going to put them into flowering today, then when i can afford some better Feminized seeds then al do it all properly


Well-Known Member
yeah they'll continue to grow and grow fast when they switch to full on flowering mode. Just watched the video - Given the size of your plants right now if they remain healthy they should get at least a foot and a half if not two feet tall if given proper lighting/nutes ect. There are plenty of things you can do to reduce the height of a plant. Hop on the search function in the forum and look for lst and topping methods.


Well-Known Member
Still can't tell but they look super healthy, the vid is kind of grainy - can you take a picture. Basically if you see while pistils growing where branch meets the main stalk then they are female. If you see little balls growing - you guessed it.
Still can't tell but they look super healthy, the vid is kind of grainy - can you take a picture. Basically if you see while pistils growing where branch meets the main stalk then they are female. If you see little balls growing - you guessed it.
thanks they have 9leafs like on 1 leaf if u get me , the things that are coming out of the stem are a half white at the bottom i have read about how to tell if female or male, they look like neither atm