Check Out My Custom Furniture Grow Cabinet


Active Member
I have been growing in my closet for a little while now, and it was just a bit too small and inconvenient. I kept looking for a wardrobe or something which I could convert into a grow box, but could never find anything.
Finally I decided to just custom build a metal shelf into one, and found one at ikea that I could use.

I made it so the grow cabinet is part of the same shelf which I keep my clothes on.

I taped panda film to the shelves that make the top and bottom of the space, and then made back and side walls out of it. I screwed two rods into the shelves, and attached doors to that using hinges and some fiberboard stuff I found at the hardware store. I got three plants in there now under a 250w light and so far that seem to like the space.

It's nice having it built in to my wardrobe so that it takes up less space in my room, and if I ever decide I don't want to use it as a grow area, I can just buy another couple shelves from ikea and turn it into a regular bookshelf.
