Hi, I'm fairly new to the site. I have recently been building a space tote to grow a couple plants in. I used two 102L heavy duty totes. Spray painted the insides white and lined the siding of the bottom and top tote with LED strips for side lighting. I am using a 300W LED as my main light. I decided to go with AC Infinity fans. I am using two 80mm fans as my intake and a double stacked 80mm exhaust fan all connected to the AC Infinity controller which works really well. There are also 2 80mm computer fans inside circulating the air. Im also using an old iPhone as a camera to view the plants from my current phone which is nice to have.
My grow is on day 16. I have 1 Nuken, 2 Hawiians and a mystery autoflower on the go. I will be making a second tote so I can move 2 to the other box. I had some major issues with a couple plants. Found out it was because they had nutrient burn and were root bound. So I transplanted them into a bigger pot. A good friend of mine is a professional grower and gave me some urgent soil advice and demanded I switch to ProMix HP with added perlite right away. And to do complete flushes on them. So I did. That was Friday and they're just coming out of shock and have seen new growth and they're looking alot happier now. I still have a few minor things to work on like light leaks from the fans and the gap between the totes will be getting a type of foam to help make a better seal. Pictures below, don't judge too harshly, it's a work in progress
My grow is on day 16. I have 1 Nuken, 2 Hawiians and a mystery autoflower on the go. I will be making a second tote so I can move 2 to the other box. I had some major issues with a couple plants. Found out it was because they had nutrient burn and were root bound. So I transplanted them into a bigger pot. A good friend of mine is a professional grower and gave me some urgent soil advice and demanded I switch to ProMix HP with added perlite right away. And to do complete flushes on them. So I did. That was Friday and they're just coming out of shock and have seen new growth and they're looking alot happier now. I still have a few minor things to work on like light leaks from the fans and the gap between the totes will be getting a type of foam to help make a better seal. Pictures below, don't judge too harshly, it's a work in progress
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