check these out and give some advise, PLEASE!!!!


Active Member
these have been growing in these pots for about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. Is this an exceptable hight and leaf abundance for the age? What do you think about going to 12/12 I had them on 24/0 since coming through the soil. I just put a 400 watt HPS on them last night. what do you guys think of the grow so far????



Well-Known Member
Looks pretty perfect for 2 weeks old. When you transplant them make sure you bury them up to the cotyldons cause I see a bit of stretching but other then that you're in good shape.


Active Member
and when you say cotyldons you mean what? they still have green starter leaves and if im not mistaken these are skunk and white widow...I dont know if that makes a diff. thanx for the reply though.


Well-Known Member
There the little leaves that first pop out of the seed when it sprouts.. basically the lowest "leaf" on the plant. Leave like a half inch from the dirt and the lowest leaves when u transplant again, will save you some space too.


Active Member
dude thanx alot thats what I thought to but wasnt sure....So its safe to plant that low into the soil i thought they couldnt be put any ferther down then what was already exposed? I am transplanting today by the way, they are going into a 3 gallon pot with miricle grow soil is that ok to use and should i always be checking the water PH levels when I water???? If you could answer those that would be a big help...Thanx alot again...


Well-Known Member
Yeah np, it doesn't matter where you bury them at just as long as it's not burying any plant matter. Yeah that should be fine, I actually use MG soil and have great results from it.. the stuff in the green bag not the organic stuff though. Check out my grow link in my signature if you want. Make sure you have about a 1/3 perlite mix in there too.. as for PH, I never check mine and have no problems. I water with purified water everytime and just mix in my fertz. Well it's 6 AM here and I need to get to sleep so if you need any more help i'll be around later.