Cheese Cuttings Help!


Hi to all i am new to this forum, i have been spending a lot of money the last year buying cheese weed.... So i have decided to grow my own took me nearly a week getting all set up & cannot get any cuttings to save my life... seeds take an extra 2 weeks & i don't have a propagator and cant really afford it so i am dying need of cuttings... if anyone can help. i am in the merseyside area.



Well-Known Member
propagator? I use 4.5 in pots and a 2 liter pop bottle cut in half. the half bottle fits perfect inside the rim of the pot. I fill the pot with a mixture of 50% potting soil 25% perlite, and 25% vermiculite. soak the soil well, put seed in about 1/2" put bottle on and watch seeds pop within 3 or 4 days. keep it warm.


Well-Known Member
Hi to all i am new to this forum, i have been spending a lot of money the last year buying cheese weed.... So i have decided to grow my own took me nearly a week getting all set up & cannot get any cuttings to save my life... seeds take an extra 2 weeks & i don't have a propagator and cant really afford it so i am dying need of cuttings... if anyone can help. i am in the merseyside area.

Seeds. Or use craigslist in your city. Clone propagator? A McDonald's big drink cup full of tap water. Use your money to buy seed, cheapskate. Use a McD's glass to clone.


Well-Known Member
I like the part where he's called a cheapskate for not buying seeds and then told to use a McDonald's cup to clone.