Cheese Quake Meltybubble


Well-Known Member
What's up Nerds?
I'm just enjoying some of this tasty Cheese Quake bubble hash, and I figured I'd share. This was actually made from frozen DRY sugar trim, so the quality and meltiness really surprised me! The smell and flavor of this hash are truly unreal. When I open up the little vial it's stored in, the grapey, creamy aroma just wafts out and tickles my nostrils. :)



Well-Known Member
Mmmm that bubble is beautiful....but that pipe is georgeous. Like wow. Jealous.

Good work, sir.

I've been thinking about investing in some bubble bags...what brand do you use, and what would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
I've got the 4-bag 1 gallon kit from Boldtbags. I like them a lot, but I wish it included a 90 micron bag... This hash is from the 73 micron (the only one that really produces good quality or quantity with this set). I definitely plan to order a 90 micron soon.


Well-Known Member
I love that little hash hammer. I usually put a little green screen (nugget) down, then crumble hash on top. Mmmm......


Well-Known Member
Hey Cann, go for the original Bubble Bags man, they're a good chunk better quality.


Well-Known Member
Good to know. Do they sell bags individually?
Maybe I'll add a 90 micron Bubble Bag to my collection.
Yeah thats actually what i did. I got 4 of the smaller 1 gallon bags, instead of the 4 bag set, cuz i wanted different sizes. I got the 220 work bag, the 190 screen shit out, then the 90 and 40 crystal collection bags.


Well-Known Member
I use the Pro Bag set from Aqualabs, it's a really nice set. Added the 90 bag from bubblebags recently (i prefer the ProBags)

Hash is looking good, cant wait to make my next batch. Saturday is a hash day for me. It's snowing here, so it looks like a good day for it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, guys. I usually make my hash from wet trim (if I am looking for quality), but this run really opened up the possibilities. A few things I did this round that I feel up'd the quality:

- Minimal handling of trim. I treated this dry trim very gently until it had "softened up" (rehydrated) in the work bucket. It was LOOSELY laid into a baggy and sealed up prior to freezing. I tried to minimize the dry crumbled leaf powder...

- Quick 5-minute hand stir with a plastic mixing spoon. I stirred thoroughly but gently.