Chest Pains From Marijuana


Well-Known Member
Hello, sometimes if I use marijuana my heart hurts. It feels like it is being poked with needles or a hand is squeezing it. Does this ever happen to any of you:?:


Well-Known Member
Well also, I had a heart attack in the past. The doctors thought it was from weed, they said I was very high. Also they said that weed made the veins in my brain thinner than a hair.


Well-Known Member
I used to, but I quit. Then after I got out of the hospital I did for a short period of time. After the heart attack they put me in a psych ward to study my brain.


Well-Known Member
bro, i think this is muscular spasms, around the heart. I get these pains too sometimes but never pointed the finger at the ganja i smoke. I also smoke ciggs., and only get this pain every few months. I never talked to a doctor about it. The thin veins thing is from lack of oxygen to the blood stream i beleive which is caused by poor health or dieting. Heart attacks are most commonly caused by restriction of blood flow and oxygen through veins.

Not a doctor but hope that helps!!! Good luck to ya'!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah your probably right, it happens more often than that for me. The only way they found out about the weed was from a blood test they did.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your probably right, it happens more often than that for me. The only way they found out about the weed was from a blood test they did.
Right, but of course the doctors are going to tell you to stop smoking pot, it's their job to follow the way of the government and say how bad pot is for you. I haven't been to a doctor in 12 years and have been perfecly healthy, not even a snifflin' cold! Trust me pay more attention to your diet and excercising, and the pains should go away. A good cardio workout every day is good for blood circulation in your body. But if you have heart problems from the past, make it a light workout untill you have made your body comftorable to the acceleration of blood flow while you excercise.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Right, but of course the doctors are going to tell you to stop smoking pot, it's their job to follow the way of the government and say how bad pot is for you. I haven't been to a doctor in 12 years and have been perfecly healthy, not even a snifflin' cold! Trust me pay more attention to your diet and excercising, and the pains should go away. A good cardio workout every day is good for blood circulation in your body. But if you have heart problems from the past, make it a light workout untill you have made your body comftorable to the acceleration of blood flow while you excercise.
My physician is aware that I'm a cannabis user. No sense in lying about. Doctors are there to help you, not hinder you in any way. Sometimes they need to be reminded of that. They draw my blood twice a year and so far, he's never been judgemental. I'll just find a new physician. I'm gonna approach him for a medical marijuana card as soon as our new law goes into effect on April 4, 09.


Well-Known Member
Well also, I had a heart attack in the past. The doctors thought it was from weed, they said I was very high. Also they said that weed made the veins in my brain thinner than a hair.
They must be smoking something (like crack) then, because cannabis dilates blood vessels and airways.


Well-Known Member
My physician is aware that I'm a cannabis user. No sense in lying about. Doctors are there to help you, not hinder you in any way. Sometimes they need to be reminded of that. They draw my blood twice a year and so far, he's never been judgemental. I'll just find a new physician. I'm gonna approach him for a medical marijuana card as soon as our new law goes into effect on April 4, 09.
Really we got another state going legal soon? Which one?


Well-Known Member
They must be smoking something (like crack) then, because cannabis dilates blood vessels and airways.
I am really glad to hear that.:weed: I think the doc just said the vein thing as an excuse to give me harmful meds that mess with your brain when they put me in the ward.:spew:


Well-Known Member
Well also, I had a heart attack in the past. The doctors thought it was from weed, they said I was very high. Also they said that weed made the veins in my brain thinner than a hair.
It increases blood flow and, as a result blood pressure. If you have an outstanding condition, maybe it could be warning you of bad things to come. Keep an eye on your blood pressure...?

It could also be nothing, i mean you ARE high. When i'm high and in a car whoever is behind me is always my psychotic ex-military christian dad, until they turn and I see that they are not. Since I figured this trend out I just face forward at all times and it's a good carpet ride.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, but my thought is why not try vaporizing? Perhaps what you're experiencing is from the actual practice of smoking.
Even though you're not smoking tobacco, and we know that cannabis doesn't cause lung cancer... smoking is still bad- it still causes the lungs to think they are full of toxins, so there may be some constricting of the blood vessels and whatnot.

So why not try eating the herb (like in a "firecracker") or getting a GOOD vaporizer (it has to be a good one-probably 90% or them are rubbish).

Another thing is that you may simply be having anxiety attacks. This is a completely different issue, which is handled in different ways for different people.


Well-Known Member
Hello, sometimes if I use marijuana my heart hurts. It feels like it is being poked with needles or a hand is squeezing it. Does this ever happen to any of you:?:
This reminds me of when a kid says "it hurts when I do this"...well then don't do that! Given your history, chest pain is no joke. And it sounds like you are a hemmoragic stroke waiting to happen with the "thin veins in your brain". Seriously, do you really think you should be smoking weed if it causes chest pain for you? And being that you have a significant cardiovascular history probably not the best idea to be getting exercise and pharmacological advice from stoners on RIU?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Try indica, not sativa, and take an aspirin before hand.Try to eat more raw fruits and vegetables,and take fish oil.Maybe you aren't in the best shape,so you should work on your cardiovascular health first and foremost.
Hello, sometimes if I use marijuana my heart hurts. It feels like it is being poked with needles or a hand is squeezing it. Does this ever happen to any of you:?:
Of course they'll say that, they want you on THEIR drugs.
Well also, I had a heart attack in the past. The doctors thought it was from weed, they said I was very high. Also they said that weed made the veins in my brain thinner than a hair.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, but my thought is why not try vaporizing? Perhaps what you're experiencing is from the actual practice of smoking.
Even though you're not smoking tobacco, and we know that cannabis doesn't cause lung cancer... smoking is still bad- it still causes the lungs to think they are full of toxins, so there may be some constricting of the blood vessels and whatnot.

So why not try eating the herb (like in a "firecracker") or getting a GOOD vaporizer (it has to be a good one-probably 90% or them are rubbish).

Another thing is that you may simply be having anxiety attacks. This is a completely different issue, which is handled in different ways for different people.
Isnt weed suppossed to cause something called green lung?


Active Member
Yeah man cut down, and do cardio for awhile. Get one of those in home bikes or a real bike something like that and actually push when you ride it. Don't just twiddle around if nothing else so you can smoke for a few more years when you get back to smoking.:bigjoint: I notice when i smoke everyday my body gets loose and this is not healthy. Smoking is good for you in moderation, but the body is made to be tense not relaxed all the time. So its good to smoke only a couple times a week. You need major exercise dude people these days dont realize you are an anima,l and the body is used to starving and being driven to kill things that are running for their life and then drink their blood. You are a machine and when the machine has a refrigerator it goes into lazy lay around the house mode just like your cat. I know it sounds like bs to you right now and it's gonna suck but if you can push yourself some your going to feel allot better. You have to have daily pain if you want to feel good as you get older. Your whole outlook will change, your attitude will get better, youll have more confidence, your perception will increase, youll be less depressed, and happier. I also suggest you get into supplements that clean the blood and body like anti-oxidants maybe some protien to firm you up some b vitamins to give you energy. Hell if b vitamins make your weed grow good it will make you grow good too. Straighten your spine out if you have any kinks in it consider a heavy metal chelate colon cleanse what not as well and eat all your own food that you cook yourself (preservatives premade crap is poison, drink purified spring water only; get off tap), but i have a feeling you already know about some of these things. Ill tell you this switching to spring water using antioxidants like vibe(i know its mlm but its actually not a bad product very expensive tho recommended to me by olympic cross country ski trainer, watch out tho it will kill your high, good to take when coming down or if you want to look sober for someone the next day), and getting back to my old workout routine has been like a total transformation. I also make all my own meals from scratch with the least manmade materials that I can sanely afford and have time for. The food was a huge difference I swear now that everything in the freezer aisle is poison. I bought a breadmaker, and I try to buy from organic farmers. Oh yeah lighters are poison as well, get a 5 inch magnifying glass youll smoke less get higher and smoking is more effecient you get way higher off a few bowls, and its more of happy go do things high. I think lighter fluid gives you more cotton mouth than the weed does and joints just dont burn it with the same sting on it that the magnifying glass does not even a vaporizer. The sun puts the god in the weed. Oh yeah, I almost forgot make sure you get an hour or 2 of sun a day full direct sunlight. Really helps the nervous system, I don't know how or why but daily life seems more effortless when I pray to the sun god muahahahahahahahahahah.


Well-Known Member
i had pretty much the same thing as a allergic reaction to some meds. Its called paracarditis its the inflamation of the emniotic sac (if i spelt that write) around your heart. thus fealing a pressure or squeezeing feeling. when you smoking weed your heart pumps faster thus creating more pressure. i stopped smoking weed for like a month or 2 because of this.